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23 thoughts on “The Lemon Squad busts 1,000 car SCAMS a year!

  1. Bad thing about reviews. People generally don't have a good experience and say I'm going to look them up and leave a review. But when they are pissed they jump on and leave a review more times than not. Don't always trust a negative review. Always read what they are saying. Typically you can tell if it's a karen or someone that genuinely got screwed over.

  2. It was despicable how the seller in Maine used an actual review to try to cover up how bad the car was. He should have been arrested for attempted fraud.

  3. Moral of the story-Only buy a car online if you really want to get burned(excluding orders for brand new vehicles, that should still be inspected upon delivery)! The used market is full of garbage since the whole 2019 debacle, and it is risky enough buying in person, why multiply that risk through the internet?

  4. I was going to use them but after looking at their yelp reveiws….scary. I was kinda shocked at how bad they were, of course some will be from dealerships but some seem pretty legit concerns.

  5. My buddy years ago bought a 97 F-150 quad cab 7.3ltr Powerstroke 4×4 lifted on 36" tires with what we thought was 120,000 miles. Well about 6 months later the engine lets loose and blows up and is cooked. After a $10,000 replacement engine goes in we happen to run into the old owner at a gas station. He came up and said hey that's my old truck how many miles does it have on it now. My buddy said the truck has 150,0000 and the engine is brand new. The guy gets a funny look on his face and says that's impossible because when I traded it to "such and such dealer" it had 440,000 miles and was going to need an engine overhaul soon. He looked in and checked the dash cluster and said that isn't the original cluster to the truck. I can tell because on the gas needle there was a black spot where the white paint came off the arm right in the middle of the needle. The dealer swapped the clusters for one showing lower millage and not just a little lower. Had my buddy known this he would never have bought the truck or would have never given him the money he did for it. Sadly the owner of the lot died about 3 months after he bought the truck and nothing could be done.

  6. We bought a 2018 Chrysler Pacifica and a week later the engine locked up. We had only driven the car a couple hundred miles and we were still under our 100% dealer parts and labor warranty. They told us they would get us a brand new engine from Chrysler and it would take about a month. So a month goes by and van is still not not done. 2 months go by still nothing, 3 months, 4 months. On the 5th month they call us and tell us they can't get us a new engine and they want to put a used engine in the car with no warranty. I said no! I have no idea of the condition of that last engine and how the van was treated and maintained. They said well none of that matters its just an engine the same as the one you bought in your van. I said no because I could tell who ever owned my van before took really good care of it and maintained the van through records. If you want to give me a used engine i want some kind of assurance this isn't going to happen again in 2 months. So after fighting with them for a week they offered me a used engine with 60,000 miles and an unlimited millage warranty on the engine for as long as I own the car. So in 10 years as long as I still own it and the engine goes out they will replace it. Hopefully.

  7. After working at a reputable dealership for years you start to learn and understand things. Big name dealers will take cars in on trade that have way to many problems or will be too expensive for them to fix, basically totaled to auction and then these junk cars get purchased by shady dealerships, fixed enough to seam good then sold to people who don't know any better or are in a bad spot financially.

  8. I would never trust this guy cause he looks just like that douchebag "Jesse" who used to build motorcycles that imitate Harley on tv, and dated/married porn actresses. He just looks like a duche.

  9. Yea I got fooled to. But that was on me to not do my do diligence. I also have salvation and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and God will judge all these people who scam and steal. Even if they also are going to heaven they’ll lose some treasures because they decided to live sinfully and do wrong. So yeah justices will have its glory.

  10. I take the Ed Bolian approach. Look at pile of shit, know its a pile of shit but want it anyway, negotiate on the basis that it is a pile of shit and then proceed to overcapitalise when making it good, and in the process kinda wish i didnt gravitate towards piles of shit…

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