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What is the truth about industry plants? I look at supposed industry plants like Billie Eilish, Gayle, Taylor Swift, Lil Nas X, Panic At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, The Kid Laroi and more to find the truth about industry plants. Are industry plants real? Is every artist with a label, manager and booking agent a plant?


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0:00 Intro
2:43 Billie Eilish
7:07 Gayle (“ABCDEFU”)
8:28 Fall Out Boy & Panic At The Disco
11:39 Olivia Rodrigo (“Driver’s License”)
14:18 Battlecross, Metallica & The Kid Laroi
15:14 Taylor Swift
18:39 Babymetal


The Punk Rock MBA

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The Punk Rock MBA

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  1. @20:47 "in a sense every signed artist is an industry plant". YES. We finally get to the heart of the supposed problem: commercial music is plants, creates plants, seeds plants and provides an entire ecosystem to support them. The envy and resentment comes from just how opaque and confusing it is to get that "big break", but as the clip shows, the industry is no wiser or that much craftier. The music industry has outsourced its A&R to producers, Soundcloud, and Tiktok, but they're still not sure how to turn a good prospect into a revenue driver. That's why their rosters have 100 unknowns for every hitmaker. The winnowing process means 10,000 no-names go into identifying the 100. And in the meantime, everybody else gets sold the fairy tale, buys the guitar, DAW, mics, synths, and around we go again.

  2. I understand now why fans don’t like it when their favorite band “sells out” it really does strip away a big part of the art and discovery of the music. It’s depressing to see people get spoon fed anything. I know the industry plants don’t always work though. I remember seeing Kid Laroi pushed for a while with Bieber and Post Malone, but I wasn’t into the music and it doesn’t seem like he really blew up despite the famous names that were vouching for him. On one end I have sympathy for labels because it’s hard enough as an indie artist to get anyone to care about your existence so I understand the lengths a label will go to, to grab attention for their artist. But on the other hand, it’s quite depressing that an artist with raw talent can’t be appreciated enough and noticed enough on their own so that a label doesn’t have to get involved. Honestly music fans, we need to step up to the plate and support indie artists more! If you like an indie band’s music on social and no one else has given them a share or like yet, don’t be embarrassed or afraid to give a like and share! Even if you are the first and only one to do so.

  3. The big difference is that, for instance, Baby Metal, the members of, have never presented themselves as anything other than what they are. It's not the fact that they are industry planted or not, it's the honesty/deception we are concerned with. When I first saw a picture of Talor Switft on the cover of Depression magazine I thought, "Oh, who's this? Why is everyone paying attention to her?" Then I heard her music and she was really obviously just marginally talanted. I mean even I can write songs, and play chords on a guitar while singing. Many people can do this. What's going on here? Oh, of course, she has model good looks and has a rich dad helping her. How many people have stellar tallent and don't achieve the success that this bimbo has? At least thousands. We deserve honesty in art.

  4. I like how lots of people think this way from, well they never really thought any other way, but all of a sudden a YouTube expert on music makes a video and it’s it’s as if everyone needs to wake up now that someone went “gee, I don’t think I like that opinion anymore and want to change it.” This is how it feels when you’re not an elitist. And we all know what type of music fans those types originate from.

  5. Here are two stories. One about a girl named Taylor. One about a guy named Frank. Taylor had mutual fund parents from NY who moved to Nashville and got her an after school setup writing "tunes" at the desk of a music publisher. Her "tunes" are negotiated to have her name in the songwriting credits. Frank went into the foster system, was homeless, beaten by cops, lived in a storage locker, learned music publishing, formed a band of fellow drug sufferers, and changed his name. He wrote his own songs either in a legit collab or solo. The girl is Taylor Swift. The boy is Nikki Sixx. Which one worked harder?

  6. There is a difference between being born into privilege and earning the support needed to succeed. Billie Eilish was born into privilege and therefore didn't do anything to earn that initial support she got through her parents. (She's still a great artist and it's not like she had a choice imo, so I'm not trying to hate on her or anything). Panic! at the disco or The Kid Laroi however were discovered because of what they did, because of an initial talent. And I think there is a big difference between influential people just supporting you no matter what (because of family connection and stuff like that) and people supporting you because you put in the work for them to notice you .

  7. The industry has always done this. Jazz itself was pushed and pushed despite never really being that popular. Someone at the top wanted to be pushed and so they did. Almost no music genre or performer actually grass roots. The high priests mostly control that industry. However, the high priests don't have the power they once held. They gripped too hard and their power began to slip through their fingers.

    They try to force the genie back into the bottle but it's not going to go well for them.

  8. Industry plants not only deceive fans, rise to unearned success and fame under veil of inauthenticity, and take credit for other people's work and talent (shadow writers, producers, etc.), but they also deprive much more deserving artists of the journey from rags to riches that they actually have earned. For example, at a music festival in Vegas this fall, the opening act was an industry plant, and not only were they terrible, but they deprived a genuine and deserving band from that coveted spot on a stage in front of tens of thousands of people.

  9. I really don't know most of these people are but good for them. The performers that have bought or connected their way in the door is beyond what most realize. Fame is a powerful drug and the desperation of some parents and young people is kind of sad. The chick who did Jagged Little Pill, Pia Zadora, Wilson Phillips, Kid Rock, etc. What they do once through the door is up to talent and luck.

    I have friends in LA in the movie industry, not on screen but part of the whole thing. I met a very well known director, to everyone but me. I thought he was a composer because we talked about the art of music. This was at some trade thing so half were known to Hollywood, rest were wannabes, and I mean ladies and girls that were mind numbing good looking. These ladies were just short of throwing panties at this composer, a lil guy around 50. Now he was not reacting but I realized he was someone these people were wanting to impress. Nice guy. I later found out who he was, he seemed amused by my ignorance, but he could get the girls through a door. Weinstein did open doors and only ones who failed blamed him. This director didn't, but guess what? His kid is a pop star.

  10. I honestly like Billie before bad guy came out, the first song of her's I herd was "You should see me in a crown" frankly no art is made popular with out help, my dad was an artist, and my uncle (who is also an artist) was the one who made money off of his art. They're both talented, but my uncle got the breaks my Father didn't.

  11. I don't mind BABYMETAL because they've never tried to hide the fact that they're industry plants.
    Meanwhile, Billy Eilish and Taylor Swift try to hide the fact that they were industry plants.
    As long as you don't hide the fact that you're a plant, you're cool with me.

  12. Ok hold up…. on the Billy eilish thing-
    How much money do people think bit actors make?? It’s like the earnings of a grocery store cashier, but without the stability of a regular paycheck.

  13. Being signed to a major label doesn't mean you have the machine or a big team behind you. Alot of artists are signed and allowed to rot binded to a major label with no investment or exposure, so artists signed to a major label not blowing is not evidence that those who have blown have done so because they just have good music, the wheat from the chaf of those who have the major label 'support'.

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