The 4th Richest Rapper in the World has No Platinum Records
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His weed is WAY OVER RATED just like shiba, all media hype, he should pay Kevin jodery to teach him how to grow real cannabis.
Good documentary
ive been listening to bernie since draught season. hes come a long, long way. IMO one of the most underrated in the game. he might not be the most technical rapper but his lyrics are real af and hes always had great beats and features.
Only difference is those guys r real rappers that made and still makes money off music burner don’t make money with music ya need to stop
I'm 37. Known of berner since like 2006 07. Been a fan and dude has always had drive. I look at him like a mentor. Forbes mag. Damn bro. Knew he would blow up.
Mob shit
He'd be more successful if he dropped Social Club 2
Holy shit big bern did that!
Berner was rapping way before he made cookies .. he’s a Bay Area legend tbh .. I’ve been listening to him since I was in 6th grade I’m 25 now .. people see him now and see him as a business mogul with greed and bad intentions .. this guy literally told his life in his songs .. saying he’s not a rapper just because most people know him now ass the ceo of cookies is insane .. cookies started from the streets it’s literally a strain ! He just made it a lifestyle
Can you do a video about Runtz vs cannatique and grandiflora and how and why they fell out
I know he's a rapper but it's like calling Michael Jordan a golfer when he's known for being a basketballer
#fuckcookies #fuckberner #fuckmids
Dude helllllll no.Weed??

Y’all gone take over right? 

“Hip Hop”?
Burner said himself that rap is a hobby, a side hustle, don't hate the player hate the game! Dude is a fucking hustler before he's a rapper
cookies ain't even good
its still crazy that Jay is still mainly known for just his rap, even though he owns so much .
Real fans know before cookies Berber was the king of THE WHITE
Messing with him since drought season 1
Damn big bag Berner
He’s a successful weed dealer that raps, I don’t know anyone that can name a Berner song.
That’s crazy everyone else has 15yrs in the game on him and still he’s #4 damm he’ll be #1 in 5 years is that
Im not suprised at all..Berner will steal your wallet and then help you look for it
Bro i remember when Berner was paying The Jacka, Messy Marv and other Bay Area rappers to do songs and albums with him and he would post it on The Siccness and everyone would clown on him for being such a horrible rapper.. lol.. he is a lot better now days tho
greatest of all time
They're not worth anything, "money is just a figment of you'll zombie's imaginations"!!!!!!!
So if Elon musk drop's a album he'll be the richest rapper lol.
Dont really care
Check about Tech N9ne too
you should cover the topic of ,egal companies back dooring product. or black market hash companies surpassing legal ones
Berner is no way the 4 th richest