I saw a Tik-Tok of a fan company claiming this fan was extremely durable. So I bought one to test myself.
Music: Welcome to Chilis – @99 Neighbors
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I’m guessing the generator is still at the bottom of the lake
Whatever you do, don't come up to Cody and tell him you're a fan
Is no one gonna talk about how he fell off the ladder
3 grand for a fan? Helll fuck nope.
2400$ broken by walmart foot balls and watermelons
@whistlendeisel MAYBE YOU WILL SEE THIS IF ITS IN ALL CAPS. LOL. You should make a video mocking the guy who called you on for splashing. Like & did with the volunteer fire fighter. This & a fire scene!
nice fan
Hm it hit th3 fan
My C0$tc0 had Big A$$ fans,Then some White Coat Karen Complained to the manager.
Damn what did that fan do to you? I have never seen so much fan disrespect before lol
Nice blender
That's a $300 fan and these jews are selling them for how much? Why does every company think they're shit is made from gold
Brilliant test shame the blades are plastic shite.
WhistlinDiesel is YouTube!!!
bro the beginning had me in stitches
(im still laughing even as im typing this comment)
Is this the splash incident?
hay this needs to be running off a gen while u are pulling it cuz its not a running test lol
in this video i had like 40 OH SHIT moments!!
You really must up that fan
Why didn't you make your own metal blades to test with it?
Video was great but the best part was the beginning when the ladder fell then he climbed it again and carried a crutch with him that was hilarious
Why did it just randomly switch to the hilux at the end
Put some custom metal blades on, sharpen them and shred some shit I want to see that!
My fan base

the 99 neighbors love is awesome !
Man screw that old guy in the yellow shirt
How bout truck bowling?
Is there the video part where the guy is chewing his ass off at the boat dock damn j wanted to see that guy going off on him lol
Every unimaginable things on these videos, Love it!
Sérios problemas tem
If I ever start a business, I would want Cody to test my product
lmao a foot ball
Love it, your a bunch of mad buggers
Sales on this fan must be skyrocketing
this is fucking awesome, brother you crack me up!
Looks like fun love your videos bro
I just realized… I dnt know his name… I just know Whistlen D