18+older. We got these Purple Trainwreck flowers from Baysmokes and we are going to blaze. It’s gorgeous outside so today we start taking a look at the grapes and move next to the berry patch to smoke. We take an up close look at the flowers and then unbox a new CG420 beaker! We take a few hits in the fresh air while the birds sing! Enjoy!!
Get these flowers and more at https://baysmokes.com/
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no labs on their site – not good
Last night I accidentally bought thcp thinking it was delta8. I wasn't paying attention to the label that stated thcp. If Bob Ross was a stoner he would have called it a happy accident.
was this bud coated in thcp cannabinoids post harvest? i was doing some research on thcp and found that there arent strains of cannabis that naturally produce thcp meaning it would have to be applied after harvest or not at all
bay smokes 100% does not have the best delta concentrates, they have actually pretty sub par stuff that isn't fully tested. If you want safe product use, 3chi, reefers bay, skyhio, delta alternatives, LULA, Zero Point, HCH or HC8
A friend of mine had the same jar of thcp flower i laughed my ass off when he pulled the jar out! it was straight garbage just like i thought it was going to be didnt even have to guess i mean straight garbo i don't even see how people smoke this bs!! or just any other new cannabinoid F! thcp F! thc-0 F! all these new cannabinoids that are being released straight up waste of money and time to fool people's pockets nothing but a money thing and straight up gimmick people are blind to see that? and all these idiots smoking the stuff bahahahaha idiots man they need to remove that garbage from the shelves this is a disgrace towards the cannabis community period if it's not delta 9 thc then get that shit up out my face i smoke real weed real delta 9 thc the og original only cannabinoid that works immediately too! if something isn't broken then don't fix it that's the old saying all that other bs got to go!!!!
This is amazing I used to watch this guy when I was in high school he doesn’t quite got the lungbuster lungs anymore but he’s a g I respect his self sustainability that’s something everybody should do
Been watching since I was 13 now 22
Have you tried high thca hemp
You know what's really amazing and funny/ I been subbed to you since 2017. But honestly didn't smoke weed really. Once in a blue moon when I was at a friends, But usually would just end up having a panic attacks. So Never really watched your videos, Unless they came up. But recently I heard about delta 8 and how low the potency was, So I tried it. For at least 5 years now, I have been struggling with major nerve pain, And as a result, Major depression ect. And Tonight I just learned about thcp. And I actually typed your name in, Just specifically to find a videos like this from you, . Just really crazy, The whole turn around……Came for the laughs, Stayed for the education….Thanks bro……….you are the G.O.A.T
Glad to see you jol420. Thanks for the review on the new cannabinoid
Have u tryd hempcartels thcA
Always have loved your videos dude. Keep ‘em coming
Did you use gatorade as water in that one??
thas the legal bud or nah ?
I don't know why you popped in my head….it's been years since I searched your channel good to see you're still ripping bingers and living it up!!
Goddamn bro just hits the beaker straight vertical, no 45° to the mouth or anything.. lmao
Damn man You have been here a decade! Absolutely awesome!
I love you
havent seen you in years man, LOOKING GGGGGGOOD
all one
Love these videos
Please wear a beard, it suits you 1000x better and you look more mature bro
Bruh this shit is fucking nuts. I love in Tennessee where weed is illegal and we have all the cannabinoids and its almost like it’s completely legal here. But its not. I can just walk to the store and get high
nice video brother
So glad you are still going. I am 25 now but used to watch you when I was like 18 or something when I was smoking my first spliff
As soon as you started coughing, the neighborhood dogs went berserk
Smells like "fresh green"
It’s awesome to see you posting again and switching it up. I used to toke up to your videos when I was 13, I’m 21 now and smoking a bowl while watching this video
We gotta get this channel back to its glory if anyone deserves it YOU DO brother thank you so much for the memories.
Ordered some cartridges from bay smokes but they didn’t have any thcp flower on there will it be stocked soon if u know?
What water do you put in your peice
Old school with the color dye!! Major!!
Looks like dog shit g!!
Joey's is not a juggalo he's a emooooo
Does thcp smell dank like reg delta 9 bud?? I’ve tried delta 8 bud buts it’s just hemp with delta 8 Kidd sprinkled on it..
Gardens looking real good! Keep it up
Please custom grow some actual weed and stop promoting these hemps. Be honest does it get you high at all? If you had started in the spring you could have had six footers in that yard. I assume you live in a legal place since you smoke outside. If you do po box again I'm sure people will send seeds you'll have your pick. And get a real camera, the phone is bs.
Dude I just found your channel again after a couple of years great to see you still doing weed reviews much love bro!!
Love to see you still dropping videos fam ! Been watching for over 5 years before I started smoking my self
, your a true legend , honestly if it wasn’t for watching your videos I prob wouldn’t be where I was today / wouldn’t have any connection to the cannibis world thank you fam !