Its unreal to think that these are LEGAL in every State!!!!
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Thank you all for supporting the channel….first time Hash House has done a review with me…many more to come!!!
Thank you all for watching The BIGGEST Drop Ever!!!!
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Dope As Yola
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Here is a timeline compilation of John bursting blood vessels in his face
17:36 21:33 24:39 25:22 25:25 29:55 31:05 31:13 34:06
I bought two carts venom OG an fire OG an I don’t feel the high like I do with SUPHERB products…
whoever behind that camera fine asf
Jus got a pie hoe cart so fire I haven’t coughed yet and I’ve been ripping the shit out of it
I've watched this video like, 10 times. Lmao
I'm not overweight I'm undertall
I took like 4 little peices off of a chocolate bar edible (400mg) and I went to school and I was fucking out of this world

Whats HHC?
just ordered a blue dream disposable! i’m stoked
i like the big cookies tbh. hope you guys could do both, make the smaller ones 150mg and make the big one 300 at different cost
Do a vid with fulcrum
Yo hhc? Is it better than delta 9?
Glad you guys show us how your products are
Nah but where key lime guy
Yeah man

how do yall get sponsors that will send you boxes and stuff to try from there company
Is fire og cinnamon? If so I'm buying like 10
do yall do apple pay
Big cookie
You guys need to go live , smoke sessions .

yola was sayin some high ass shit lmao
Just tried ordering, pretty bummed out you don’t ship to Canada
any chance you’ll be doing that soon?
the "thats what she said" joke was so mf funny
You should add Seattle to the visit list would love to come see you in person
When delivering to europe
Do a blind folded test to figure out what flavor is what
Bro I’m over high asf laughing my ass off watching this video and when he said the key lime pie cart tasted like key lime pie dust then he said it tasted like a cereal box and said like the dust at the bottom of the key lime pie cereal dust and I’ve been laughing for 5 minutes straight and I don’t even really think it’s funny anymore I think I’m a little to high so send prayers
Had to cash out after this review W video
if anyone says your fat, just say you are on a bulk
SOMEONE PLEASE REPLY AND TELL ME! what flavor is the best?????????????
yola what about the app?
big boneded
john looks like dj khalid
When are the bats gonna be back in stock
Please bring john on more please!!
the first cough from these pens lmao
How does it compare to a normal thc cart??
Got the tangie flavored cart and shit is so fire and the airflow is immaculant the deliver was the only “bad” part of it
Are the batteries plastic or metal??
Are the batteries plastic or metal??
"The Mango's fucking bananas. . But mango" that quote killed me