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On this week’s episode we have YouTube legend, the great Roman Atwood!
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27 thoughts on “Roman Atwood Rekindles His Friendship with Vitaly – Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #116

  1. I remember the first “podcast” kind of platform I watched was Fouseytubes, it was actually really good but short lived I believe

  2. Just a tidbit, YouTube was founded by 3 guys who wanted to upload a video they made, but found no sites to do so. They created YouTube, and 10 months later Google bought it for over a billion dollars.

  3. Deadass used his promo code for blue chew and it got me the free month with $5 Shipping and got Nervous when I was talking to the lady but it was real quick , I’ll lyk what the out come of BlueChew is lmaoo🧱

  4. Do your research on Mike calta. He's the biggest lying scumbag in radio. He strong armed his way into radio stealing and distributing a sextape ruining lives

  5. To be fair Steve had a lot of support from his friends who gave him an intervention, as well as the money to go to rehabs. Most drug addicts have neither. Not to take away from his success but Steve had the resources to improve his odds of remaining sober unlike the majority of those who are chemically dependent. I wish that I had the same resources to save my life but I don't have a single living relative from the age of 42. I will likely die while Steve-o sells blew chews and liquid death and gets kicked in the nuts while I figuratively get kicked in the nuts over and over again. Im proud of you Steve-o and would do anything to be able to get help too

  6. With Roman on here I'd love to see Demolition Ranch on here. I'm curious how Steve-O would do the interview with Matt, and tie in his other channels and how he got to where he is as well just to show another way how the internet or TV can shape someone. It would be a cool contrast to see just like seeing Roman on here

  7. Steve o you kill it with chit chat! Thanks for being an inspiration and role model for sobriety but also a genuine good dude even not sober! People love you and me too! Yeah man! Thanks

  8. Doing a podcast with someone you love passionately should not negatively effect the Podcast in any long term or meaningful way. It may have low numbers itsself but outside of the guest saying or doing something damaging to your brand i think worst case scenario you have low numbers but you still attract a group of new eyes and likely gain even more respect from your core as many will respect your willingness to do something you love regardless of the immediate financials. That's the beauty of YouTube. We feel like we know you. TV Movies Netflix etc the fans only come to watch something they enjoy but here… we come to learn about Steve-O and honestly who you are is a very big reason that you have a large audience because so many of us are here to just get to know… you.

  9. Nah Steve-O i can't believe your audience has stayed the same age over all this time. I'm in my early 30s and i would assume that with the timing of your shows and movies and just amazing growth and development you've done over the past 10+ years that you have a strong older audience as well as a portion of new fans that are finding you on YouTube or going to see JA 4ever that are "staying the same age" but you've got a lot of us out here that are getting older i promise you that! Lol. Both these gentlemen are so interject and respectful of one another and it's truly incredible that they produce this content for us. Much love and respect to you both as well as everyone else involved in content creation, distribution, and marketing. 👍👍❤️❤️🙏🙏

  10. I started drinkin non-caffeine hot tea. I put about a teaspoon of raw honey per mug. U can put lemon in it if u want. Thats how i quit drinkin so much mountain dew. I went from 4 cases a month to prolly less than a case a month. I also drink a lot of v8 splash & eat things with sugar, so i still get my sugar, dont get me wrong.

  11. Tom here again this topic about church and meditation. Why does any thing that realky sounde good has to cost . A poor fuck like me cant afford any thing that will help me .so many thing and cant afforda bottle of pop most days.

  12. Good morning you guys .dont know if im watching it fresh or a catch up.but i have a daughter that is 39 thisyr and i wasnt allowed to be there for herwhole life ,only till she was 5 and then not all the time then .Havent seen her sinceshe was 5 .mother was a smart bitch ,very smart ,shewent throudh a 3 yr resportorist theropist in 18 mos..came out 2nd highest in class history.the questions is whatis the bestest age for the childsgrowing up? The yr that the child was always happy. You know ow the treibale twos ect. I wasnt alroun all the time.I was there then i had to leave. I could come back ten i hadto go again .in now then out again. Sad times for me for sure neough that shitin snivvling gor sure. Just a whe lot jelious …… great shows. This is my first. Been seeing you sinceyou and matt were racing te gtr and that little hot rod he just got. Im livingon a very skimpy ssii and cant afford lukuries in l I fe .if it ant free it ant forme that is how i live .on dissability.penny to penny.some day maybe ill get some of the guysoffer

  13. Steve-O the only thing that's gonna happen if you interview somebody that the community doesn't care about is that they'll skip one episode brother. Just stay true to yourself and share anybody you're stoked to talk to, that's what we're here to see love you man

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