18+older. We loaded up some more Blueberry Cruffin into our Meagtoke XL for a quick session. I love how I feel when I hit the megatoke the resins build up on the sides so when you smoke you get really high. We walk through the backyard looking at the pups and taking megapuffs. ENJOY!!!
Check out out the Megatoke at https://megatoke.com/
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God….dude's entire property is an eye sore…I bet his neighbors hate him LMAO
Call your sister mister… NEW F.B.
please take care of yourself. you look rough man
Why are you hitting it so fast. You look like you are addicted to crack or something. Take your time this whole video was rushed and gross
I remember being 14/15 packing bowls solo dolo while watching ur vids

“whaaaaat up YouTube”
Is it more than just a big battery
Brotha you have to stop
aye 3 of ur dogs got the same name as 3 out of 5 of mine!
Lmao! The doggies running over to him during his legendary introduction.
I want this but it’s too expensive
I love it bro
weed legalized is like everywhere by now, should update intro to somethin more positive. Good stuff dude overall. Waiting em to survive to 2030.
You still make videos bro holy shit

We need you back man, bring back the 420 seshs and the lung buster 30” of doom we need them back
Lol I’m so stoned I thought he was naming different strands. They were his dogs lol!
You've really let yourself go
You inspired a whole generation to kick back relax, and smoke some weed! Absolute legend
Quickie Maga Toke
Try to mightys at the same time sweet sweet times
YOOOOO had no clue u was back i missed these videos lmaooooooo
When we smoking jolie
I've been watching your channel since I was a small child lol much love here in the MO
Nice little dogs. You should cut the beginning, it shows your plates.
i fucking love you my man
I enjoy your cannabis content, I am glad I found you. I hope you do live stuff sometimes.
You gave me the conference to make my own page thank you!!!
Bro is still alive fkn legend

Damn bro. You got the most chill dogs lol
Bro you’re my idol not even lying. Keep doing you my man. Love ya
Love you Jolie olie
. Been a fan for years.
Fuck Megatoke though as a company. There a bunch of slime balls. Not to be trusted. They don’t pay their influencers proper bread either. There just out to take advantage of the people that buy their overpriced and overhyped gadgets and gizmos.
fuck man youre a legend, you were apart of my peak stoner in highschool lmao
Megatoke is a dumb ass name but the function speaks volumes
Are you shadow banned? Why aren’t you getting views?
I just randomly looked you up man I had no idea you were still posting. Somehow I wasn't subscribed anymore but I'm back bro. Stay up
Definitely thinking about getting one
No way you got your YouTube channel back thats fucking dope asf
Bring back the weed news with hairy dabs….
Just scrolled down and noticed I was watching you when I was fucking 14 -17 literally waiting for videos I remember always wanting to try that platinum cookies shit looked heavy just want to come back and say I hope everything is good with you bro I don’t know the silent battles you face but I hope everything gets better and stay better be safe and let’s get back to daily uploads please bro
“Truck stop quickie “
haven’t heard that in a long ass time
CostomGrow420 put up some more videos bro can we get some 1 gram bong rips 20 in a row I bet you will have fun doing this challenge but have mountain dew on stand by and 4 different bongs with ice in them and 20 bowls ro switch between those bongs u want too use 4 bongs cuss smoking that many bowls in that amount of time bowls will get resonated and will need a good clean one try this challenge you have never tried it yet
Man I’m genuinely so stoked to see that you’re still posting constant I was watching you as a late teenager just hoping that I’d be able to get my hands on some Kush one day and now I smoke it daily lmao It’s cool as fuck to see someone like moistcritikal joke about you a bit. Much love jolie
I love that youve kept the same intro over the years. Been watching your vids in the dark for a bit now and it's so cool that you still keep the intro