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Check out Steve-O’s episode on Paddy’s podcast! –

Paddy The Baddy Pimblett is a young UFC fighter who already transcends the sport with his undeniable charisma.

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27 thoughts on “Paddy The Baddy Literally Doesn’t Give a Damn – Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #122

  1. Like paddy but he butchered the explanation of the term ‘pony’ which is quite funny considering his podcast uses the term in its title. Pony originates from Cockney rhyming slang. Pony Trap – Crap. It is used in London primarily to describe going to the toilet for a shite, or to describe a shit quality product or outcome, ie the beer in that pub is Pony. I’ve not heard someone say ‘your talking pony’. That would not be common in London and is more of a northern I interpretation / use. Ironically a Londoner would not call scousers Micky’s, which he used to explain Cockney rhyming slang. It’s all love though, don’t shoot me, just pointing what I noticed 😊

  2. Ya'll probably wont see this, But My words of wisdom, people didn't watch Johnny Carson or David Letterman because Burt Reynolds or Eddie Murphey was on there. they watched Johny, and David ,and the stars happened to be on there.

  3. Steve-o Just brain storming here and i was wondering if you lost your voice i would miss your voice man so why not do one of them voice things where it gets uploaded on too a computer for a future steve-o robot that self destructs every weekday haha.

  4. Love your podcast Steve O and I love everything else you do! But you gotta let your guests do more of the talking. That would transform this podcast from great to legendary. Yeahhh dude!

  5. I was watching the episode on Paddy's podcast as well, both great episodes. But on his episode you started talking about about tattoos and it just made me think, IF you'd ever happen to be in Sweden or close by I'd be stoked to hook you up with a cool tattoo!

    Cheers from Sweden.

  6. I love Paddy the Baddy but with him being happy even though he was depressed after his surgery, in the most genuine way, I worry about him. Pretending to be alright even though he was sad inside. I felt that

  7. whoa i can be a Lord OR a Lady? these days i bet i could be a fuckin Fair-Lady even though i Swing a Hammer!!!. people are probably gonna respond rooting me on like 'ya man you be you if you feel that way inside, theyll make u a ladyLord". il tell you guys now that shit hurts because iv came OUT recently, and you Better Accept me as a Goldfish!!! iv got the tank and everything so you know im all in. fuckin Retards!

  8. No love or respect for stevo ever again after those ridiculous statements I want nothing to do with him at all. he is is a spoiled rotten starved for attention trendy fashion police gomer.

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