Kyle Kinane reveals the key to happiness, discusses how to make pistachios a lot more fun and marvels at receiving pickled eggs as a gift.
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Kyle Kinane: “I Liked His Old Stuff Better”
Original airdate: January 24, 2015
#StandUp #KyleKinane
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This is an all time special in my opinion
Hey you better remember to actually pay the man
This guy looks like me 10 years ago and minus 20years of manual labor
Mr. Voice of Comedy Central never disappoints. one of my favorite comedians.
I have never heard of Kyle before, but stumbled across this vid and now he's instantly one of my favourite comedians.
Also, how is no one talking about how much he sounds like Tony Law?? Like, they have the EXACT same voice, speech pattern, everything!
It's nice he realizes his old stuff was better…you know….because it was funny.
$have yur face ho$er$.,not yur dunce kap$.,got weed yet fang$.,lezblower$.,baldo the k-klowne$ a kojakker.,? bang-ba$hing with @ 1987 kabc ch7 lee ving 1982 hey;e ter$co vee wioll fhucke you up 2nd av enue rexkorde$.,.,off dunce ho$er$.,.,PDXVXR.,.,kfag$.,.,haha.,.,banner$-kutter$ hi$ trollerr rollin derby';$ texa$ taxin.,PDXVXR.,the bo$$anova balderoom.,? schek sched psu.,;,';';1987
Dude made over an hour feel like 10 minutes. God damn hilarious
Kyle is my dude, so happy more material is being uploaded. Genuinely hilarious, consistently
Amazing special kyle!
It would've been impolite and probably ableist these days if he'd stopped her.
Everybody deserves a spa day
This is why I take a bath with plenty of bubbles and a bong it’s truly amazing
I would throw 10 bucks his way for this. Set that up!
im more tired than a big dicked bat
Kinane and Mark Norman should tour together. That'd be an amazing pair.
That was really great
I walked around Home Depot listening to this on headphones busting out laughing. People were giving me concerned looks.
Kyle is genius funny with depth of being alive bubbling from his humor ~
Presently, he’s the best pure comedian doing stand up *