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The Island Boys are true internet sensations. We really enjoyed this one!
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37 thoughts on “Island Boys – Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #101

  1. we are so screwed. all these mentaly ritarded people being put on a pedastel……..i hope the next generation sees how stupid it is, and takes care of it. they are the furthest thing from artists as it gets,. its like a 2 year old being placed ahead of picasso for a finger painting.

  2. Crazy how we went from tupac to these two mumbling no education drugged up idiots. All by design. That was the worse freestyle ive ever heard in my life. These kids need to hang it up and go to college or get real jobs, bc they both suck at rapping. And if they do make it in rap somehow, well than rap clearly is the worse music on the planet now a days with zero standards for talent. Im honestly embarassed just listening to it. Steveo grow some balls encourage these two lost kids to do something meaningful with their lives rather than say you were impressed with their freestyles. Nothing about it was impressive.

  3. "It hurts when they shave my head"! Lol! What a pussy! Lol! Good thing he wasn't sentenced to the boot camp program I was, he doesn't even want to know what it's like to be forced to dry shave.

  4. Stevo buddy come on mate there is no way you genuinely liked there music lol or there gay lol freestyle they done for you 😂😂😂🤔Big fan stevo honestly you were put teenage years ha shirty ass camera doin little pranks and stunts haha wish I could find my old tapes 💯📸

  5. Cant believe Steve o would get interviewed by some internet kids 😂 sideshow Bob and crusty the clown . Nah man I mean these kids got something going on . Maybe not as reggae singers 😅

  6. “Oh it must have been soo hard to get through this interview”

    Id rather listen to these two then whatever boring bull comes out of your mouth daily.

    Being forgettable is not a virtue.

  7. Their best interview yet, gotta give the credit to Steve-O for making them feel comfortable & being professional about it, he’s not clowning on them or sneak dissing like the hosts did in their previous interviews

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