HUGE thank you to everyone that has constantly supported my channel…this is a major WIN for all of us!!!
All social media accounts are linked in “ABOUT” section on my Youtube channel.
Ive been on the bad side of the platform for years…yes my content is pretty wild but its ALWAYS positive….I only want people to smile, laugh…or say “is this guys serious” ahahahahah. I just want to have fun and make content…..FINALLY I can say Im in the good graces with Youtube. I dont know who did it but thank you so much for allowing me to become a Youtube partner ….truly appreciate it!!!
Thank you to everyone thats continued to watch through everything!!!
Thank you for watching I NEVER Thought This Would Happen!!!
#dopeasyola #storytime #theadventuresofyola
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Dope As Yola
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All social media accounts are linked in "ABOUT" section on my Youtube channel.
Finally in my recommendations fuck yeah Thomas good to see you
Should try to see if you can get you 1m play button now
but congrats
Bro I can't stop watching these!
Age restrictions again?
How the baby plant going??
Found it on my recommended
Rewatching this again love it
Nice Video

no cap, they had me not following you it might've been the multiple accounts but i been subbed for years
fulcrum come in, yoooo yodie gang
so happy for you!! coming to cali on 11th to try yo shit!! im so excited
5:59 )love u man,keep everything u got going on bro! All love
Collab w fulcrum
The day weed becomes legal in NC you gotta do a meet and greet!
Dude, I think you should re do your story times. I’m a big fan and I’ve watched all the old story times. I would watch the videos of you telling the stories again
Well now all thats left is
Weed grow update ?
Brooo what happened to the growwwww
Good shit!
My man why are you so afraid of YouTube and literally censoring yourself and putting yourself beneath YouTube just to stay on their platform? idk how much $$ you make off YT but having to live in fear on a platform is beneath you brother. Do what everyone is doing and punish YT and take your business to Rumble or go exclusive on your own site only.
Been watching you for years and I am a fully grown man and just hate seeing you be so afraid of a terribly ran company.
Cheers homie
Bad@$$ Boss
I could have the worst day ever and then you come out with a video and your vibe and open energy just offsets it all thank you
In my recommended but 6 days late
its not rhat i don’t believe in aliens. but the government does so much secretive tech shit that anytime i see sole weird shit in the sky i just assume its them
You need to get Tom Delonge on the pod to talk about aliens
nasa has a team for hunting aliens
Let’s goooo
You got me through all 4 years of hs
Gotta come to VA in a few years when they start opening the dispensaries
Dope as yola so happy to see YouTube not trying to ruin you it’s been a long time coming this name you’ve created for yourself there’s no better YouTuber or story teller then you keep it up fr. Also watch the movie the Fourth Kind even though you believe in it you’ll believe even more if you just watch the trailer based on true events and a real place.
Yo it would be so sick if u had ads for push trees roll through on the very bottom of the screen on the podcast like in football games or like soccer games
Ayy let's goooooooo
This was in my recommended

That’s sick man
I believe in aliens don’t get me wrong but I don’t think ur a bigot if u don’t believe maybe uneducated
Let's good I heard on the podcast that you are back, so I paused it real quick and came to comment lets gooo!!!
Yo what happened to your grow
all of your videos are fucking awesome
more then deserved
My boyfriend wanted to tell you he likes the hair out vs in the hat!!! We're so stoked to see ads on this channel, can't wait to see more videos monitized on this channel
Hey Thomas how is the “Hey Addy” doing
Just a thought but a dopest auto draw pen would be

YouTube been shitting on you for no reason
No way

Bro you should make a roach bong and make it one hit