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How did Metallica become the most hated band in metal? Some of what I look at:
* Metallica’s roots in the thrash metal and tape trading scene of the 80’s
* How the black album was viewed as a sellout
* Their lawsuit against Napster
* 2003’s “St Anger” and Lars Ulrich’s snare drum
* Their documentary “Some Kind Of Monster”
* How “Death Magnetic” helped Metallica recover
Tape collection footage via Jimmy From The Block: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8uSmbnYJk4
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0:00 Intro
2:19 Metallica’s roots & the black album
6:24 “Load” and “Reload”
8:12 Metallica vs Napster
11:55 “St Anger”
13:03 “Some Kind Of Monster”
16:05 “Death Magnetic”
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The Punk Rock MBA
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Never hated them, except the album Saint Anger
If it was not for their first 4 albums (and the timing of when they came out)…Metallica wouldn't be anywhere near as big as they are.
This video aged so well unfortunately. People (only nerds) are still hating them after their new song came out (like guitar nerds hate Kirk solo). They never changed.
“My” Metallica died in a plane crash in 1995.
theres alot more hated bands then metallica out there
U fkn talk to much dude Metallica wanted fans that downloaded there stuff sued they cryed so hard fans started hateing them but it's long forgotten and the fans eventually came back they stoped crying lol dude blah blah blah blah
My dads cousin was on the Napster legal for that trial. That is how I was introduced to Napster
Making fun of Layne's addiction issues so much so that Jason sits down on the drum risers with the most pissed off look on his face. It's rumored that it was the beginning of his exit from the band. That Basquiat painting has definitely increased in value at least 3-5 times what he paid for it. That was a smart drunk mistake.
There is no possible way to objectively accept St. Anger as terrible. One of the best metal albums ever. There might be issues with quallity of sound, but as a concept of ideas it is Great, original, agressive, not stereotypical and metal. Example of thinking outside of the Box. Author decides what creation is, not listener.
You completely skipped S&M……….
I was born in 76…so Metallica was huge in my youth. Hardcore punk was home to me but I also had a strong connection to metal and Metallica was one of the reasons for that.
A friend gave me a Kill Lightning Puppets mix tape one summer at camp. The $5.98 Ep ended up being my favorite album of theirs…and still one of my favorite records. Justice was sort of the end of an era in my life…the original hXc wave was cresting, I began listening almost entirely to Death metal and Black metal so Justice was sort of the end of my love of straight forward metal.
I never really came back to them. I wasnt a fan of the Black album…though all these years later there are cuts from Black that I like. Load/Re-Load completely lost me…I don't know any of their music after that. Napster was a huge deal for me…I forgot/forgave when it was over…but there was never a question what side of the line in the sand I was on.
I have been to see them recently, with a friend from high school who loved them beginning to current. It was great to see them. Most of the show was Kill em All thru Justice.
I'm rambling so Im ganna end my ramblefest. But

to Finn for these infinitely interesting topics!!
I’m sure this has already been pointed out, but just in case it hasn’t — In Some Kind of Monster, Lars was selling the $5M painting, not buying it.
Your sympathy, Justifications and defense your are giving to Shitallica through the video is annoying.
There are reason you didn't bother to mention, that they are shitty lazy musicians with poor skills and talent. they are way too overrated.
Calling Death Magnetic a good album is like saying Joe Biden is God.
After Lars made a fuss about Napster I was done it was very petty and sad
I’ve always wondered about this but never had the full story on them. Love the page and continue to keep it real Finn
I hate it when people/fans expect any band to play the same thing album after album, year after year after year. Any creative group/person will naturally want to change it up to some degree. Like everything they've done up till Death Magnetic(and Re-Load, I didn't care for that one but I can excuse it). Yes The Black album was different but in a good way. Yes Load was very different, but it still has some great songs. As for the image change yeah it was silly and kind of ridiculous but that's the business. Did they become full of themselves?Absolutely? However, Is every artist supposed to look and sound the same forever? At least they worked through it and ended up making some more good music.
I'm fan of theirs but the thing that pissed me off about them the most is how they treated Jason Newsted. The guy's a monster bassist and James and Lars treated him like shit, while Kirk just did his usual fence sitting schtick.
Load haha they also probably never needed to lie about there sexailty Lars and Kurt both saying they were bisexual the 90s most big rock stars said they were bi lol they are not even close to gay hahaha in fact a bunch of 90s rock stars who said that were not bisexual like Billy Corgan pumpkins but hay it sold albums and thet dis sell albums
I hated them in the 90s not anymore
There new shit sucks when I say new shit I'm talking like the last 25 years lol I use really hate them then I went back and listened to kill them all and I love there first 3 I just think there some of the best albums ever recorded and justice I like that album but don't love it I actually love the black album and 5 albums is enough for one band for me to listen to 5 albums is most bands whole career well at least when I was young 4 or 5 was usually a big bands run I just pretend they broke up in 92 and passed the reigns to Pantera lol
but I have a ton of respect for them just one of there 1rst 5 is enough to make them metal icons but they have 5 I will never pay the 200 or 300 dollars to see them its probably even more these days modern Metallica is just a heavier u2 are something like that to me Metallica will always be there first 5 Nothing more and really do you need anything more to love a band 5 iconic albums that live in metal greatness would be enough for any band we don't need to hate them but we also don't need to listen to there new stuff 
I can’t believe how self aware the Metallica members are. Thank you for being so measured and even in your approach! You have yourself a new subscriber
I remember being pissed over the Napster thing. I was not a teen either…. in fact by the time that happened my kids were teens or almost teens. I didn't feel like I was stealing because if I was able to preview songs… I would know before I bought an EXPENSIVE CD that had 1 good song on it and the rest sucked. I didn't get my 20 dollars back for that. Not to mention that I started buying music when I was 11. A lot of songs I downloaded where stuff I already bought… sometimes TWICE. Some things I bought on an album and then bought a cassette.. anyone who remember a cassette, remembers how they didn't always last. So I felt no guilt. I still bought music…. I just didn't buy anything that only had 1 good song.
His name starts with L.
On the contrary..Load was a phenomenal album! Reload was shit, as was st Anger.
Unfortunately James never gave Lars the asswhooping he deserves. One day
It's funny because I used Napster, LimeWire and other file sharing software back in the day. But the main reason I used it is because someone had broken into my car and stolen my two big CD cases full of over 300 discs. Filed the claim with my insurance company and they only gave me $150 towards replacing all those CDs which of course was impossible so I turned the Napster and such to download full albums because I had actually already purchased them and this way I didn't have to pay retail price to replace them.
Can you do dethklok?
For me it was their gross behaviour at San Quentin. They're going after people for stealing their music but gushing over the inmates and accepting a gift from Richard Ramirez. Love their music, can't stand them as people.
They transformed themselves into Bon Jovi. They should of been happy that people still were interested in them and were downloading through napster but instead they sued napster.
14:45 Metallica Rich Evans
It's surprising to me to not see a mention of Dave Mustaine or Cliff Burton
For me Some Kind of Monster brought great context of why St. Anger came out that way
17:44 ahhh you're a narcissist !
It's hard to hate a band who looks like they'd sit down and have a beer with you, act like real dudes, and not be total dicks
I was 19 when black album came out. loved 'Justice', 'puppets' etc, but I couldn't see what all the hoo hah was over dissing the Black album. In fact, when first heard 'Sad but true' I remember thinking 'phuk that's is massive , and heavy', the sound was baseier, the gats were in your face (and the sludgy riff .. wow) , probably the biggest heaviest high quality sounding metal album I had ever heard! Sure there was a rock ballad with unforgiven, but even then, it was hardly 'every rose had its thorn' by any means, and they always had these kind of mellow classical sounding bits in the songs e.g. fade to black, the first half of one etc. … but then load came out … (er)
I’ll be a reasonable target for years of hatred held silently inside of some of you and say that I truly loved St. Anger right from the start and still do. I mean, Sweet Amber, Some Kind of Monster, Unnamed Feeling, Invisible Kid, Shoot Me Again are bangers, aren’t they? lool
oh and the snare sound is golden – embodiment of trash itself, right?
The Napster thing was so huge, I think it's hard to comprehend nowadays but at the time, it really felt like Metallica against the average person. They were right, and you are right that Lars was not the right spokesman, but at the time it wasn't like people WANTED to steal the music, that's the key thing to take away from it as well. At that time, we are talking 20 years ago CDs were like $20 a piece and you wouldn't know if you'd even like the whole thing. I'm glad we have streaming now, but back then that was the only way we could be introduced to so many other bands and music that would have been impossible before. It created fans and fan bases for many artists. I'm glad that Metallica has acknowledged they could have approached that better.