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#Bugatti #EB110 #TheLostBugatti
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I LOVE eb110s. There was a time when ppl talked them down. To me this and the Moroder Cizeta/Cizeta 16T are the most amazing cars. It's not just about rarity and looks which are top notch, it's about passion : I love the fact that they did not give a damn and went for it. They failed, but are the most interesting cars I'll never see (yeah duh !)
Sure, some more modern cars are more noteworthy, like the Carrera GT (just an example don't @ me), but these were the last from a period when what sticked worked, and I love that. They tried, failed, and it was amazing
I’m a professional bull shitter and because of that I know that this guy is also a professional bull shitter.
I have seen a few of these eb110s but had no idea what I had been looking at, until I fell upon this vid. My curiosity was piqued, and so I went over to my next door neighbor's house, and saw the blue car in his gargantuan garage. It made me good, knowing I love next to the guy that owns this car, mentioned in the video above.
The ultimate ghost story!!! Welcome back!!!
It wasn’t lost and you didn’t find anything. Stop the click bait.
anybody knows when did ralph lauren bought the 57c ?
I've heard this story about this new EB110, handed to a Portuguese customer in a trailer, that when the time came to turn the key it simply wouldn't run… This was exacty when Bugatti was deemed insolvent… Because of this, and without anyone from the factory to help him, the owner wasn't able to get the car working, and it has been sitting in his garage ever since (undriven)… Cheers from Portugal
Great story, have you ever come accross the EB110 based B Engineering Edonis?
Love this guy he’s dealer is not far from my barbershop in Miami
Dauer cars are not cheaper. If you are talking about the 5 carbon fiber EB110S they are more expensive.
And does the new owner drive the car or just trailer it to shows?
So….where does one get one of these serviced?
Saw that car at quail this year, it's in the video on my channel
On a side note B Enginnering also produced their own car the Edonis out of EB 110 parts. Shared the engine, the chasis except for the AWD. It's quite rare as only 21 cars were made. It was also the test bed for the Michelin PAX tyres that were made for the Veyron.
the eb110 looks like the hampter meme
The Nissan dealership has plenty of replacement headlights.
No actual photos…? Seems like a weak video… its hard to have good content all the time
Bugatti…a brand name created to describe ugly cars.
This guy is a unparalleled prick.
To the people who are interested… You could try to find news about the Edonis, a car derived from the Eb 110 from the engineers who created the eb110..
Feels like a lull in the channel lately, Ed. All the stories are just “I worked here once” or “I bought (or couldn’t buy) this car once” and clearly at least 50% embellished. Ask yourself, “would I be happy if I spent 10 minutes of MY day to watch these?” I certainly haven’t been recently so I think I’ll take a break.
I think all your usual storytellers are tapped out too. Maybe time to do some scouting/traveling to dig up better content. Some celebrity guests would be awesome too, even if they’re just big names from the car world.
Ed Can you get someone else from Currated to actually do these stories, as I really just dont like this guy, and he comes across as a right slimeball that is always wheeling and dealing and overselling the cars for what they are, and that is in no small part thanks to him showing up on Jay Leno's headlines thanks to the colorful way the guy wrote the article on him when he got busted for that 5K check all those years ago.
and to think he somehow got Crockett's Testarossa and sold it without even going over the filming mods or doing an interview with the guy who painted it he said he knew, like thanks bub
the one damn thing I wanna know, like why would anyone repaint a beautiful Nero Daytona TR in that beautiful black purple pearl that god awful Creme white they used on the knight rider trailer?!
and is there any way to put it back to the way it was lol
the best channel on youtube. no question.
John must be working out
The knew one are ugly especially with the Edsel grill!!
Great history lesson
I've gotten to see the Carbon EB110; and let me tell you the blue is beautiful… but the Carbon version is a different beast.
These trust fund kids are getting boring. Give me Chris back
It’s just shut
Making money is an action. Keeping money is behavior. Growing money is knowledge.
Saying you found “the” missing Bugatti is a TERRIBLE title, knowing about the type 57sc that has been missing for decades, likely the most valuable car on earth if it’s ever found. Quite misleading.
It's always great listening to curated stories any of them they have all been so interesting to hear about keep up the great work John and Ed and all of the other story tellers from all around YouTube and the car community it's a great feeling to see how far the car culture has came and just how close everyone has really gotten over the past few years alone can't wait to see what the future holds for all of us it's going to be an amazing breath taking experience and I just want to be a part of it in anyway possible!!!!
Honestly, I find the ending quite disappointing. They went through all this effort to find a "lost" car, practically sitting idle for who knows many years, and then sold it to the next-best collector, who probably maximized their profit. While said collector will probably take good care of the vehicle, it will likely sit idle and hidden for ages again. This car is one of the most legendary supercars and needs to be actively driven and seen / heard by people, so that it doesn't get "lost" again.
yellow is the best color for the EB110
John promised to give me a Testarossa when I turned 43. He might not remember it, but I do. I am hoping John will keep his word. Also, that might not have happened, but IT'S STILL REAL TO ME, DAMMIT!
You're living my dream guys.
It was at my house the whole time.
You got to get T-PAIN vs GMG story on here
How much????
Dang! I was hoping it was going to be the story of finding the lost Bugatti Royale. Now that would be a real hunt…..
Imagine being the guy who bought an EB110, and then forgetting where you put it for 30 years.. that's some first world shit!