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Was GG Allin the ultimate punk rocker? And what is GG Allin’s impact and influence on punk? Some of what I look at:
* GG Allin’s childhood and early releases with The Jabbers
* How the legend of GG Allin grew when he appeared on TV news and talk shows like Jerry Springer
* The GG Allin documentary “Hated” (by Todd Phillips who also directed “Old School,” “The Hangover” and “Joker”)
* His influence on bands like CKY (“Bite It You Scum”) and Nirvana
PODCAST (Spotify):
PODCAST (Apple Podcasts):
0:00 Intro
3:05 The early years (GG Allin & The Jabbers)
7:52 The decline of GG Allin
11:27 Prison, Jerry Springer and GG’s death
15:21 GG Allin’s legacy and impact
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The Punk Rock MBA
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Ultimate punker no no such thing. Ultimate toilet rocker most definitely .
I have to agree a hundred percent with your summation. Me and my friends got into G.G. on account of the Todd Phillips film. But Phillips presented him as a violent clown with a message and we bought into that. G.G. was often so over the top that it was sometimes hysterical. But, if you dig a little deeper, this guy really was fucked up. When one reads the court transcripts of what he did to that woman he beat and mutilated, the one he ended up going to prison for, his act isn't funny anymore. He was just a violent fuck-up that wanted attention; much like Sid Vicious, another fuck-up that needs to be forgotten. I can somewhat identify with his 'fuck everybody and everything' attitude. That was part of the attraction. But his way is such a dead end. There's better role models and better people to identify with.
Did he ever do World Tours?
GG was a product of the times he grew up in and the environment afforded to him, he lived a lot longer than many of the Hollywood child stars, we all have one life to make our mark.
Iggy Poop
No talent loser that needed to take shits on stage so people would pay attention to him. That's all he's famous for – nobody knows any of his "music".
He was bipolar and someone gave him a microphone just that simple it was a fabulous disaster
gg allin would fuck you up for using him to plug raid shadow legends.
They whipped his ass in san Antonio though
My only problem with him, is that he empowered the assholes….
There was a guy named Joe Coleman, who was a shock performance artist, way above GG Allin’s depraved performances, his far more imaginative performances, convinced large parts of his audience, that they were genuinely about to die, he also did incredible schizoid paintings of mostly serial killers, & obscure dark moments in American history….
Even when he was alive, nobody thought GG was a "genius". Not even his fans.
GG Allen is the embodiment of punk he is god and the Messiah punk absolute genius
I saw him 3 days before he died at the Marquee in Detroit. (The club may have still been called Todd's then. I'm not sure).
yup g g alin a genius. G.G. shd be another listing in DSM-5 = ate his own crap onstage and even threw it at the audience….yup id say thats def a legacy worth preserving…………feces anyone ?
4:03 Gg even said in an interview that if he wasn’t a musician he’d probably be a Serial Killer
52 times not 50
I wonder what would happen had he made it over seas and played to a UK crowd back in the 80's. They probably would have just kicked him to shit and pissed all over him instead.
glad dude summed it up properly at the end. gg was a piece of shit excuse for a human being, no pun. sorry about his terrible childhood but lots of folks have weathered worse without turning into demented, assholes. i cringe when i hear artists i like talk nice about him.
Simple: someone who needed serious help, if he had gotten the care he needed maybe he would've been a better guy? I mean I heard he wanted to legalize rape and murder… how's that punk?
Lunatic or genius? As if the two are mutually exclusive?
What a tortured soul.
I don't think you give him enough credit. Chalking him up to a sad case of childhood trauma doesn't do him justice. Yeah he was wild and threw shit at people, but he encouraged people to be themselves and not care what others think. He always stayed true to what he wanted to do. To me it sounds like you didnt genuinely listen to what he was saying in some of his interviews. Yeah he said all sorts of wild shit just to provoke people, but some things he did say were solid. A broken clock is right twice a day.
Was awesome to get some letters from him while he was in Michigan State prison. He loved the name of my fanzine and asked if I wanted to ask him a few questions. Was always writing back and forth. Gave my buddy his address and he wrote to him also.
You forgot Jack ass. Hahaha
Yeah, you’re not gonna want to lean up against his headstone. People piss and shit there.
I hung out with merle in nyc and he was the man, RIP GG
Sometimes Fat Mike seems like he need some therapy
Fart off. Butthole I guess we can't say what we used to.