I made a stop at the old Indiana farm to try driving the G-Wagon through the original bottomless sinkhole. Very interesting results indeed.
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That's G wagon still going cool
… lass ma G63 einfach so schrotten.. … er so.. : Ja
Let’s thank the camera man for running when he pulled up
saw it through the black paint
Put a damn pocket on your shirt son a shirt is useless if it don't have a pocket now get a pocket boy from Tennessee I'll tell you
When it switched to cinnamontoastken I was like oh damn pressed the wrong vid again
Trying so much to understand what's funny about what he is doing with the G-wagon if you don't like a vehicle stay clear out.
Take it to the dealership
Diesel is keeping the local mechanics busy
Those b-rolls are crisp! What lens is it?
Mans just trashes his car
It hurts my heart watching you destroy stuff I would fall over trying to afford
The farm!!!
8:47 The exhaust sounds like a muscle car
I heard that you can put G wagon mud on your face and get rid of terminal acne that would be my next move if I was you.
Always thought these trucks were mall crawlers for soccer moms with too much money but hot damn they can take some abuse… The cars not the moms…
How do I scan the shirt is it a qr code or something on the website?
that guy laughing at you backing off the trailer was the best part for me. He has never seen anything like it lol
Hold on….I'm really interested in finding out if his dad did leave him a lot of $$ ……..but I thought his dad was just in a video?……. I dnt watch much
I love the fact most people don't get what your doing! You are the least materialistic person I've ever seen. All the commenting trolls hating on you for "destroying "the J-Wagon Jeep-Wagon you're torture testing this vehicle was amazing. The sand dunes made me laugh till I cried! Thank you for you being you unapologetically! Your a legend. And to all the haters your all

Ich krieg echt schlechte Laune bei dieser Materialpenetration!
The dude dying at how you unloaded the G wagon is gold lmfao
Dat doe je echt allemaal voor geld je doet het voor geld je maakt YouTube video's en dat geld gaat weg
Some good memories at the old property
Can I have that car
I’ll fix it bro 249 west academy st in canton ms I’ll take it however it comes 

just kidding but if you wanted too Fr I left the address 

Fun is good but u should have some respect to these beauties