In her first special, Esther Povitsky spends time with her parents and tells her audience about her relationship with them, describes showing up unannounced to her fiancé’s bachelor party, and rifles through audience members’ bags. (Contains strong language.)
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Esther Povitsky: Hot For My Name
Original airdate: July 17, 2020
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Esther, you own your future by being yourself. So refreshing to see a comedian being authentic. You are Beautiful ! Thank you.
This special sucked and people won’t call her out for it the way we do with male comics. Didn’t crack 200k in a month when Ari Shaffir got 5mil in one month.
Legit talent.
It’s Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.
whoever plays the grandma in the musical part, Jesus…. she looks like a gremlin.
Killed it
Um were there laugh tracks added in here ////:
This special is proof that girls can be funny, but only if the look like their Dad.
I love dis bitch
Loved this! Was that Christine Taylor as the "hot mom?" Esther is really appealing all around. Christine Taylor IS a hot mom so ignore the quotes
Great special!
5:36 the synchrony
i really enjoyed the jokes but i was annoyed by every moment her parents were on. I get that she was trying to do something new and different, and I hate to bust on her for that. So, points for effort, but I'd rather just have an hour of her without the other stuff.
Pepper is a bad dog
22:00 scene with the execs is hilarious

19:00 cringe
her mother is out to lunch, literally and figuratively
she definitely a 10
Dudes rock this sucks
Imagine being brought up in a two parent home, not getting beaten or abused, and then blaming your personal downfalls on your upbringing. The nerve.
She's hot in a really "Normal" kinda way. Great set too!
Wow… her parents
I hear you, Esther.
@26:43 Esther's dad was punching way above his belt with Esther's mom, she was a baddie back then.
Is it a little awkward to anyone else that she mainly sexually humiliates herself to get laughs and then just keeps showing random clips of her talking to her parents in-between talking about sex?
Just me?
It almost broke the cohesiveness of the advertisements when they interjected the stand up comedy but the ad team really kept it together.
So glad this is on YT finally. Funny to see Skokie life.