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00:00 – Dave Chappelle Faces Backlash for SNL Monologue
04:25 – MrBeast Overtakes PewDiePie As Most Subscribed Individual YouTuber
04:53 – Elon Musk Beefs With Senator Ed Markey Over Fake Verified Accounts
06:02 – Sponsored by Stamps.com
07:06 – Colorado Voters Decriminalize Psychedelic Mushrooms
08:28 – Democrats Maintain Senate Control
09:40 – John Kelly Says Trump Wanted To “Get the IRS On” James Comey
10:24 – Labor Department Finds 31 Children Cleaning Meatpacking Plants
11:55 – Iran Begins Issuing Death Sentences to Protesters
Dave Chappelle Faces Backlash for SNL Monologue:
MrBeast Overtakes PewDiePie As Most Subscribed Individual YouTuber:
Elon Musk Beefs With Senator Ed Markey Over Fake Verified Accounts:
Colorado Voters Decriminalize Psychedelic Mushrooms:
Democrats Maintain Senate Control:
John Kelly Says Trump Wanted To “Get the IRS On” James Comey:
Labor Department Finds 31 Children Cleaning Meatpacking Plants:
Iran Begins Issuing Death Sentences to Protesters:
Comedian Gives David Beckham Ultimatum: Exit Qatar World Cup Or £10K Gets Shredded:
Dc ——————————
Produced by: Cory Ray
Edited by: James Girardier, Julie Goldberg, Maxwell Enright, Christian Meeks
Art Department: Brian Borst, William Crespo
Writing/Research: Philip DeFranco, Brian Espinoza, Maddie Crichton, Lili Stenn, Chris Tolve, Star Pralle
Production Team: Emma Leid
#DeFranco #PewDiePie #DaveChappelle
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Philip DeFranco
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I'm sorry, but considering the incarceration system in the US is barely disguised, legalized slavery, I'm not in any way at all surprised there are companies out there using child labour.
That's ….
that just seems par for the course, so to speak.
just to let you know people now days dont know what gambling is a nd are spying and useing pokemon and other games asan excuss toraid houses and a biblical fact women are not to have intuition that is with craft and unatural and some one has been useing cowboys and indians andfarm aanimals as an excuse to unlawful charge and promote genocide while belive itor not any one in texas should of any ismissing live stock watch for dinosaurs andask thewerewovels and druid cults still linger
Its not extraordinarily fair to blame TODAYS peoples for Jewish problems. which is mainly why people scream antisemitism if you even joke about anything jewish related. Much like how its not fair to blame TODAYS white people for slavery. They werent there, they werent alive back then, quit yer bitchin.
How does this company pay these kids??
I thought chápelle was funny, and I think kanYe should start facing legal consequences.
Thank you for covering news about Iran
Dave Chappelle cancelled by Jews after suggesting Jews cancel people!
Pewdiepie was famous for being fun and play games. But he is just famous for being famous.
I think everyone here including Philip, all know that nobody gives a crap about the Jewish community saying "the holocaust happened, give me special treatment" it didn't happen to you, and I didn't do it, so I don't care. Nobody should ever get a free pass from being held accountable, even if he or she experienced a calamity. Regardless of its severity.
No ones fucking lashing out at Jews.
Truth is being said and people don't like it.
When I got my first job at 15 technically there were legal restrictions about how many hours I could work and when I could work but they didn’t give a shit in the slightest I once worked 27 days straight at over 40 hours a week and they refused to give me time off because they were short staffed. They literally do not care about child labor laws except that you are of legal working age. Hell I was required to clean machines and use machines that legally I shouldn’t of been allowed up under the age of 18 because they are considered dangerous and require training (which I clearly didn’t have).
If Jewish people cannot hole heartedly stand with any criticism than they should not be allowed to profit from from black struggles either. They run the record companies that perpetuate the gang culture and degradation of women. Have them step down from those positions that push the narrative. Trust me they won't. Why is it ok to criticize Christians, Muslims or any other faith but not theirs? They just prove Ye's point.
Please talk about the shootings in iran. The system shooting people daily
what happens when Iran kills all of their women?
I wouldn't say Dave Chapelle is being calculated at all, he's not some alt right zealot who's trying to bring down Jewish people, however he's being irresponsible by implying that Kanye might be onto something, and if anything he's not being calculated enough as he doesn't assess the potential damage (and he's wealthy and famous enough that he doesn't really need to for his own self preservation either). Someone with as large of a platform as him who isn't even Jewish themselves saying that is pretty careless. I could say that black people dominate certain sports, but that's not some grand conspiracy, that's due to a myriad of systemic issues and cultural reasons, and while Chapelle didn't say it was a conspiracy, he didn't say it wasn't or imply he was being sarcastic or ironic, and that's questionable to say the least.
Israeli government murder Palestinians everyday. Definitely “the worst” government. Americans just don’t wanna talk about it
Omg Dave Chappelle was fine. He did push the envelope, but he definitely wasn't taking Kanye's side.
i think Chappelle is saying what most people are thinking but not brave enough to state it.
When I see a person of colour make fun of a jewish person i think of those bullies that get abused at home. It doesn't make it right but it shows hurt people hurt others. We need to promote besides antihate but better coping.
If society were changed so that every position of power was occupied by a jew, would it be antisemitic to point that out?
Any body mad at that monolog is crazy. Jewish exec at music labels don't care about black struggles and stuff when they're making money off drill rap and and beefs that end in people dead. Miss me with that hypocritical crap where they're constantly trying to control what people say about them. Nothing dave said was antisemitic but it's that bad now that a little joke is labeled one.
I find it so interesting people upset about Dave Chapelle when Black trauma has been used as entertainment since slavery. Interesting….
It just seems lately (the past few years) Americans just want an "enemy" and I don't mean those that say something dumb or ugly about any race/people's…..
There is no "controversy". You just have a bunch of butt hurt babies who cry "-Ism!" at everything.
Dave Chappelle controversy again? Cry me a river, Jews.
Who cares what Mr. Beast did. That's not an accomplishment at his stature. It's like T-Series yet again; it was inevitable. He's not a singular person. He's a multi-millionaire with multiple multi-million-dollar companies. He doesn't even run his channel.
Comedy applies to everyone and all things. Dark humor is a little more niche, but it carries the torch of comedy. "In Bruge" was one of the darkest movies I have also seen but also one who's humor stays with you. That sh*t was f*cked up.
As long as Dave Chappelle keeps doing what he's doing – making fun of everybody (including the people who think they shouldn't be made fun of) – he can do no wrong.
He's a damned good comedian, and braver by a wide margin than you are, Phil. It is human nature to be prejudiced. And it is the height of prejudice to say that humor should not apply to you. To me. To everyone and everything.
There's a time and a place. But the best humor is usually the joke that people think you shouldn't make. The one they don't expect. The one that they can't even imagine you making.
A TEW is commanded to harm Christians wherever he can, both
indirectly by not helping there in any way, and also directly
by wrecking their plans and projects ; neither must he save a Christian who is in danger of death .
In lore Dea (148,12 Hagah) it says :
"Therefore if you enter a town and find them celebrating a feast, you may pretend to rejoice with them in
order to hide your hatred . Those, however, who care
about the salvation of their souls should keep away
from such celebrations . You should make it known
that it is a hateful thing to rejoice with then, if you
can do so without incurring their enmity ."
In Lore Dea (151, 14) it says
"No one is allowed to praise them or to say how good
an Akum is . How much less to praise what they do or to recount anything about them which would redound to their glory .
In Lore Dea (154, 2) it says :
"It is not permitted to teach any trade to the Akum"
Since the Goim minister to Jews like beasts of burden, they belong to a Jew together with his life and all his faculties
"The life of a Goi and all his physical powers belong
to a Jew." (A. Rohl . Die Pol
It is an axiom of the Rabbis that a Jew may take anything that
belongs to Christians for any reason whatsoever, even by fraud ;
nor can such be called robbery since it is merely taking what belongs
to him.
In Choschen Ham . (266,1) it says :
"A Jew may keep anything he finds which belongs to
the Akum, for it is written : Return to thy brethren
what is lost (Deuter.XXII,3) . For he who returns
lost property [to Christians] sins against the Law by
increasing the power of the transgressors of the Law .
In Babha Kama (113b) it says
"It is permitted to deceive a Goi."
In Lore Dea (157,2 . Hagah) it says "If a Jew is able to deceive them [idolaters] by pretending he is a worshipper.
s and do nothing to prevent evil from
happening to them.
A JEW MUST ALWAYS TRY TO DECEIVE CHRISTIANS by deceit and trickery whenever possible .
LASTLY, the Talmud commands that Christians are to be killed
without mercy.
Hmmm everybody talking antisemitism but what about the atrocities of Jewish people against the Palestinians
. It's ironic how we look in the past (holocaust which is a terrible tragedy and I am not taking anything away from this) but no one is talking about how is real is currently taking over Palestinian land.
Wait, Elon is making a joke about someone being harmed by a parody account?
… after he blocked people for making fun of him on parody accounts?
As an Arkansan, I voted NO to Issue 4 because it gave too much to the "big 8" that currently have all the growing power. While yes, Issue 4 would have allowed MORE licenses to grow and distribute, it would give benefits to those holding existing licenses that would not be available to NEW licenses. It just wasn't fair. I would LOVE for recreational marijuana to be legalized in Arkansas, but not at the expense of the new license holders.
I know this video is kind of old at this point, but as we really start to see the impact of Chapelle's set, I wanted to express my comments a bit seeing everyone trying to just brush them off. I'll start by saying I did enjoy his standup on SNL, I could sense his genuineness about it and I thought he did a pretty good job with it. He did make one serious mistake in that his line about "Jews blaming Blacks for antisemitism" was very tone deaf in being both weirdly victim blaming and ignoring black antisemitism which is a serious issue in the US. That said, even with that line I felt it was more a bad joke than any ill will, and in general I see why people support him.
That said, the issue with approaching a sensitive topic like antisemitism is that it's very easy for words to get twisted unless you do things properly, and Dave really failed in how his act was structured to properly prepare for this. At first, I wanted to ignore it, but more and more throughout social media I see right alongside Kanye West lines, especially "But with the Jews, it's just a coincidence". And these are not just off hand comments, I'm seeing it on mainstream videos with hundreds of likes in some cases. It really feels cancerous, I've never seen antisemitism just casually acceptable in mainstream online spaces as I'm starting to see it now.
Unfortunately, it just shows what people were warning about with Chapelle's set: his lack of providing context and proper nuance just fed into the problem rather than addressed it. Chapelle, despite his issues, can be really great at empathizing with people who aren't him, but I just feel his comedy styling wasn't prepared for such a delicate issue. I hate to say it, too, again, as someone with the proper understanding of the issue I enjoyed his set. But, as he himself experienced when he eventually left the Chapelle Show, not everyone is going to understand the subtext, and comedy can be just as dangerous in making a situation worse when those people pick it up.
I don't get the hate Chapelle gets. He's a comedian and that's not a complete excuse to say whatever you want but it means that he will say things that are controversial or politically incorrect. He's never advocated violence or hatred against any group as far as I've heard. In fact, what he says in that monologue covers all of the povs of people on the issue which does include what some people consider anti-semitic. His pov has always been that people on all sides of an issue should be able to talk about something even if they don't like or agree with what's being said so long as noone is encouraging violence or harm. America is very polarised on everything and people don't try to understand the pov of people they disagree with, even when that understanding is needed to facilitate compromise and change. If someone calls you a racist, an anti-semite or transphobic, compares you to nazis or something, are you likely to listen to evidence they have or take them seriously. People can be wrong but not evil/harmful. People can be racist/sexist/anti-semitic/transphobic etc without wanting to hurt those people or take away their basic human rights. It's very hard to learn to get along with people who consider you an idiot or a monster.
Pure propaganda on other countries …
Nobody is above criticism, all peoples, all cultures, all religions.
Dave needs to retire, we don’t need to normalize hate like antisemitism
Very difficult for Dave Chappelle. He is a comedian and seems to be the only one out there getting hit hard for anything and everything. I don't agree with anyone marginalizing any specific group, or person for their own gains. However I do agree with what you said about it Phil he is different than Ye who is just plain spouting hate and rhetoric for whatever reason. There are a lot more things going on in the world that repeatedly frying a comic again and again for just trying to make the world laugh when it seems to have more than enough tears to go around. Not only that people seem to be way more sensitive these days to everything and also don't seem to have critical thinking skills to really look deeper to see what is really being said. So their first reaction is to flip out and then cancel whom ever is at the crux of the issue and then radicalize others to do the same. As for Elon Musk and Twitter going head to head with a Senator who sits on committees that have made laws to combat abuses and possible security issues to the country and not giving a care to the mess that he has made is ridiculous. Not a threat just the truth. Something is going on with his companies and if he is not willing to fix it then lawmakers should be able to step in to protect consumers and businesses so that these things don't happen again. So glad that the Democrats are holding on to their seats and the Senate. That was a bit wild there for a bit. With the are they aren't back and forth. So glad that those endorsed by the other guy lost. As for that announcement oh man here we go again. Seriously? I hope not. As for what Iran is doing, killing their own people just because they are protesting that is horrible. Especially after what the other guy (DT) said was China's response to drug charges there. One day trial and then immediate death. I am like holy shit. If he wanted to do that here. He'd be the first one going down for the crimes he has committed and continues to commit allegedly. The world is in bad bad shape these days.
many incredible scientists
I thought that Dave Chapel’s comments were fine, it’s comedy at the end of the day and didn’t think it crossed any lines. People are just too sensitive nowadays
i cant sleep without weaking up in a paniced cold sweat
Pulled out of this episode at 6:14. Everyone is fucking annoying. Nothing is said with love it’s all upping someone. All these fucking men and their egos.
I thought Pewds got jumped or something, I was like oh shit really in Japan?