18+older. 4/20 2022 We took a trip with the Hash Club all around New York. We did so much over the course of 5 days but here is a small taste. More to come. Enjoy!!
For everyone who always wanted high quality production with nice cameras, microphones, lighting, and editing I hope you enjoy these New York vids the crew worked hard on them. cheers
Check out the Hash Club at https://www.hashclubnyc.com/
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sick production big oley bowly woahly joelly brutha
Isnt it illegal in New York or did something change
40 for an eighth is a rip-off
The legend
Bruhhhh I watched u 7 years ago and didn’t smoke at the time I smoke now since 2020 we got to tap in bruhhhhh where the events at,
Man its good to see dawg back one the tube
A$apFerg- floor seats is the first song
good vibes Jolie been watching your vids for a long time now and seems like you're doing well
This video is
dude! More content like this brother 

dam i thought i was watching jolie on reg tv for a min lol that was sick
Lmao. I think back 10 years and this would be so insane to see.
Damn why was is so dead that day
I wonder how many times that weed trucks been robbed
The vibes holy shit !!

It’s a dream of mine to one day smoke some hash n big doinks with the king of weed culture. Awesome to see you looking better than ever and still going strong after 10years being on this platform
Yo this city is bright ash
Filthyyyy let's go Jolie
I'm the 420th comment
This the shit I been missing!
Productions great!
We need more like this
Let’s get this to 420 comments this is dope jolie
F yea
Why he look like Ron Jeremy
yo the production value on this one bangs
We all like a smoke
but fuck me ! Look at the state of the guy 

This dude is living the dream, and when I say "the" I mean my!
Bigup brooo!
its good content but nowdays in the modern world posting stuff 5 months old nobody cares about, post it when its fresh yo
Only mf I’ll watch smoke weed online
jolie this video goes hard, you need to get with this crew and make some full length videos! bring that underground video scene back
Yess yessss yess
i don’t watch weed tubers too often but when i do i always come to my dude jollie ollie! been watching for years man always snapping bowls with ya brother
A Weed Truck, holy Shit

That weed is trash. FOHHHH
Major video dude