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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Subscribed to 2nd channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/JustRolledOut
1st clip – Nathan Hemphill via ViralHog
2nd clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@1aflamablanca
Last clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@ss.seanecarlo
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 As mentioned this truck was used at a Steel Mill. I use to work on fleet trucks that were used on mine sites and have actually worked at coal and diamond mines and this is actually a lot more common to see on company trucks. The mines are very muddy and the undercarriage look’s like this pretty quickly. This clip was just filmed a couple of days before posting this video, so if I get an update or more information, I’ll give you guys an update.
0:31 2013 F-150. Rear brakes metal to metal. Rear brake hoses are pinched off and rear tires need to be replaced. The technician said there was more wrong with this truck that he didn’t show in the clip. Where he lives doesn’t require state inspections but told the customer that they should get the vehicle towed out of the shop since it’s not safe to drive (and they got it towed away).
0:52 Tech: “2019 Chevy Colorado with 12k miles / 19312 kilometres came in for an oil change and tire rotation. The customer declined any further repairs.”
1:06 The technician didn’t mention what exact model of C-Class or year. However, this is a very common issue from what I’ve read online about the mounts breaking off/rusting off of the sub-frame. The customer was about to go on a 3-4 hour trip (one-way).
1:22 Tech: “2019 Freightliner Cascadia day cab. DD15. Was towed in customer complaint oil leak. Oh, boy was that an understatement. What the driver didn’t say but the wreaker driver did Was that the tractor was on top of a yellow cement safe pole. Note the oil pans on Detroit’s are composite plastic not metal for noise reduction. Well, bearings don’t like plastic too much. Unit is headed to our shop soon for a diag of the bottom-end.”
1:43 Automatic transmission vehicle with a shifter from a manual transmission vehicle.
1:52 Coolant leaking down the door. The tech said he thought it might have been the heater core at first leaking but he found it to be completely dry and not leaking.
2:02 Ford Escape. The technician thinks somebody might have done some work on this Ford Escape at some point and left the lower shock bolt loose.
2:16 Nothing major but the technician had a laugh at what he ended up finding.
2:27 No extra info.
2:40 Customer wanted the technician to drive the vehicle but it had no gas in it.
2:47 This Chevrolet Tahoe only has 2 miles / 3.2 kilometres on it.
3:00 Clip sent in from a viewer of a truck he saw at a car show. Wasn’t sure about the exact year and engine modifications.
3:11 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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A metal oil pan would not have saved that semi-truck – just sayin'.
In my country until recentley the goverment did educate and run the facilites that do car inspections (needed every year). Now days they are runn by several companys and they cant work/ have a deal with anny repairshop just do inspections.(the companys are inspected several times a year) Even if more times has been aviable wee want the old ggoverment driven inspections back.
This stuff is absolutely scary…
Whenever I see these Videos I'm happy that we have the TÜV in germany,
I thankfully cannot imagine what it's like to be this broke. A lot of these are relatively cheap repairs — couple grand tops — and that is just unattainable for them. It's really sad when you think about it.
I think me mechanics should be able to deem vehicles unsafe.
What is with all the bald tires on these vehicles?
New-ish subscriber here, watched a few of your videos now and cannot quite believe the state of some of the vehicles shown.
Here in the UK we have an annual check (called MOT) and none of these would survive to the extent they obviously have, particularly regarding tyres.
For each bald tyre you are given 3 penalty points on your licence, and when you get to 12 you're banned from driving for a year. Big incentive to stay legal!
(To be clear, like drunk drivers there will always be a few who escape the net)
The "customer declined repairs" stuff – I'd be calling the police if an attempt was made to drive these things away from a repair facility.
All very enjoyable but scary at the same time!
2:50 underpass??? A PARKED TRUCK?
Why do people decline such significant repairs to their vehicles they rely on?
Fake gear shift.
I wonder if there’s a fake third pedal?
Vegetable oil in the wiper fluid? Someone’s trying to hurt someone
Thumbnail is littarly: customer states underbelly of my vehicle looks like fried chicken
What baffles me the most are all the pinecones driving a total pos and declining all repairs afterwards, smh. Do they think the shop want to rip them off or are they really too dense to understand in what condition their vehicles are?
And sadly it's my birthday on Monday the 11th and I have no ride to get anywhere or do anything I need help
My mother and I have a Saturn eye on 2003 LOL at my phone's speech recognition anyhow this thing will not start doesn't make any noise when trying to start battery is full alternator works fine nothing comes from the starter I tried relay jumping all of the relay does is spark like crazy what would you guys say it would be bad ground somewhere?
Im dumbfounded at how stupid some people are!
the guy who was going on vacation and declined repairs probably cause he didnt want it to interfere with the vacation i really hope on his way if he was driving the car broke down and became useless and he spent his vacation walking home
1:44 you laugh but it's theft deterrent.
Always Fords, not surprised
Man i bet that first truck had a quiet ride LOL
I remember working at firestone service center and some people would come in with vehicles with such bad suspension problems i just could not believe they had been driving it like that for so long.
Why would you not fix broken control arms?
Our neighbor is a Ford fan, but he gives them a bad look lol he has 11 Fords in his back yard and not one of them run and they're all from 2005 and up. Junk newer vehicles. The Ford Taurus he just bought and the Ford Explorer both ran a month ago, now both of them have transmission problems and won't move. Reverse doesn't even work on either of them lol
If you want to haul a heavy load, you buy a Chevy, if you want to swallow a heavy load, you buy a Ford
Man …. Thanos was right . .
why even take it in if you don't get it fixed. I really hope these dumb ass people who decline repair crash in a ditch away from others. How stupid.
Uhm wow to all
Liked and subbed

Is there no safety inspection in USA?
And these people vote.
In most countries, unsafe vehicles are reported and not allowed to be driven. I don't understand why the laws in the US allows people to drive junk that is a danger to everyone around them.
Raise cost of fuel, do unthink people w ant to think about repairs? Women majority of voters and they vote for touchy feely crap.
Do you guys show them this or?