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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Subscribed to 2nd channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/JustRolledOut
1st clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@muneef687
2nd clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@jaredjordan49
Rat in vent – https://www.tiktok.com/@jdbeasst
Twisted sway bar links – https://www.tiktok.com/@makebelievo
“Custom” painted front bumper – https://www.tiktok.com/@tonyd773
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 1998 Chevrolet 3500 Dually. Luckily for the customer, they didn’t get into a bad accident or caused even more damage when the tread came off of the passenger front steer tire. Even if a vehicle has barely any mileage on the tires, but they’re old they should be replaced! There is a production date on tires (DOT) that tell you the age of each tire. More info here –
0:22 The technician didn’t mention what caused this exact issue but thought it was funny to show as it sound like a Helicopter. This is common to see on some Pontiac models, but the first time I’ve seen it on a Jeep.
0:35 The technician found a rat in the vent. He said he was surprised the customer apparently didn’t see it.
0:46 The technician said: “They installed the coil overs the wrong way and bent the sway bar links, the one I’m holding in my hand is how they’re supposed to look.”
1:01 If you’re wondering what a strut bar is – “The strut bar serves to add rigidity to the car suspension so when the car is taking a turn there will be pressure on the road surface. The strut bar will maintain pressure on both sides of the car so that it becomes more balanced.”
The technician was unsure why the customer removed it but was even more surprised they didn’t bother getting new nuts for the struts to hold them in place.
1:17 Ford Ranger. The technician said: “Customer came in for unrelated issue, I went to go pull the vehicle into the shop and noticed the gas pedal felt odd and that the vehicle was not accelerating. I then realized the gas pedal was broken off of the mount and had to physically reach my hand down to pull the gas pedal in order to pull the vehicle into the bay.”
1:30 The technician notified the company and told them they should scrap the truck. Wasn’t told anything else.
1:46 The technician said he has no clue what the customer used to paint the front bumper.
1:57 Check your owner’s manual for the correct torque spec. and always torque your tires afterward. Could have been a lot worse for this customer.
2:07 The technician also said the interior of this 2013 Chevrolet Cruze was also very dirty and filled with garbage.
2:21 No extra info.
2:29 That’s a wheel weight that you see moving on the rim. Wheel weights shouldn’t move once they’re installed and that’s why the customer still has a vibration in the rear.
2:37 As you can see the truck need’s a lot more work from the looks of it as there is an oil leak as well. No extra info.
2:47 The viewer who sent this in said: “Tulsa, Oklahoma
We were on I-44 if I remember correctly.”
2:58 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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As well, I have a 2nd channel called Just Rolled Out. Where I'll be posting clips that I don't show on this main channel, and clips of subscriber rides! So feel free to send in a clip of your ride for the 2nd channel (preferrably landscape). Have a great week!
I've got a 2015 Cruze and it's given me endless hell. Everything that can leak, does leak. Doesn't matter who I pay to fix it, something else will start leaking within a few months.
In that last clip, the driver was on his way to "Just Rolled In" where the customer claimed that his trucks seems to be leaning to the left.
That wasn’t a 2×4…that was a 6×6
It's clips like that last one that get me singing Judas Priest's "United" flippantly. (Specifically, "Gonna keep on drivin', never stop").
So many reasons why we should have continuing education as a condition of maintaining a driver's license.
I wouldnt even fix the spinning vents. I see it as a novelty. I'd tell my friends hey watch this!
Oh, and I probably can excuse the mechanic for not expecting the strut tower nuts to be missing.
24 years old? rookie numbers, I know I got tires that old and I know a guy who runs Buckshot mudders from the '70's, lol.
I also knew a guy who got a 64 or 66 impala with 3,000 miles on it and still had 3 ring whitewalls(if i got the term correct) on it.
We can see what happened. But why did it happen, and what was the solution? Vents for instance?
That’s nothing the old Dunlops on my grandfather’s gto are from 1983
Man o man, I'd be scared to drive in the US- you guys sure have a lot of shitty vehicles on the roads there!
0:30 my brothers old gm would do the same, it first happened 1 day when I adjusted the angle of it. It was too much fun to play with as a 10yo.
"Removed the strut bar and lost the nuts, and didn't think to replace them"….. Wait….WHAT!!??!!
Some of these people crack me the f up.
How important is it to torque the lug nuts to a specific amount? I always just snug them up by hand…. Not crazy tight…. But….
Those tyres look like my socks
The spinning vents is a jeep thing
I've towed a lot of cars with 15-20+ year old tires it almost makes my stomach sink thinking about it
I’m amazed just how rust damage is evident on some of those quite modern USA cars. We don’t see that severe damage …… that I’m aware of ….. in the UK.
The spinning vents sound like a second motor.
2:55 these people should pay a HUGE amount of fines. nobody but them should pay for the damages they did to the road.
Somebody HELP!! AED!! QUICK AEdddd…..beeeeeeep
I want the first truck!!!
I never understand how people decide to drive their car to the shop without a wheel and grind the frame off the whole way instead of calling a tow truck.
Many of those finds are a good reason to have State vehicle inspections, even if it is a pain to do properly.
That driver should, in part, be billed for resufacing of that road.
That will teach him not to do that again.
its 2022 and the date code on my 1980 f350 tires are 1995….truck has 56,000 miles on it.
24 years pishh im driving on 41 year old tires
People should know that when a tire reaches 6 years old it’s now in its deconstruction phase no matter how few miles are on them….use your brains people

When the cars or trucks drive down the road on their broken wheel or front suspension with sparks going everywhere, it looks like a video from Russia.
Imagine cars treating ppl like this………..
I pity those cars.
Doesn't the u.s. have annual mandatory motorvehicle inspections? We have that in the e.u. and things like that would be noticed.
later the truck in the last clip just slid into the shop
Yeah this is why states have yearly inspections. Unsafe car is not just a danger to you but everyone around you.
Where’s the legal once a year testing done in America? Is it just buy a car and drive it till it falls to bits -literally?! Cause it sure looks like that! In the U.K. it’s mandatory to have an inspection once a new car is 3 years old and every year until taken off the road. You can’t get insurance or road tax otherwise.
I really don't understand people like the last one, driving their vehicle WITH SPARKS FLYING EVERYWHERE when a tire blows or wheel falls off…
Man since I just started watching videos on this channel I can say that most of these stories has happened to anyone in the automobile service industry, one of the reason I had to get out after doing it for 20+ years.
Funny since I live in another country, but I'd be creeped the hell out if I'd had to drive in the US.
I don't want to die just because some dipshit was either too cheap or too dumb to take care of their vehicle and keep it in a condition that is safe for traffic.