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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Subscribed to 2nd channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/JustRolledOut
1st clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@brettfromviolent
No oil change in 31000 miles / 50000 kilometres – https://www.tiktok.com/@motive_mechanical
The glove box is not staying closed https://www.tiktok.com/@technical_error_
Rear seat won’t lock
The customer hit a turkey
Alfa Romeo out of fuel
Blue light on dash
Kitten underneath vehicle
Last clip – DAVID MULVANEY via ViralHog
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 Dodge Ram 1500. The customer needed a new wheel, tire, brake rotor, spindle, lower control arm, and alignment.
0:18 2020 Ram 1500. The technician told the customer he should go to the dealership to get a new oil pan installed under warranty. The technician also mentioned he thinks the manufacturer just uses cheap metals and that’s why the oil pan is very rusted with such low mileage on the truck.
0:31 Nissan Navara (diesel engine). The technician said it needed a new engine (found metal pieces in the oil pan underneath all that sludge). The customer got a used engine installed.
0:50 Technician removed object out of glove box and it closed.
1:07 Seat belt was in the way.
1:22 The technician said he was pretty surprised to see an imprint of the turkey on the front bumper.
1:32 You see DTCs for Cylinder misfires because the customer ran out of fuel. The technician filled up the fuel tank and it started without any issues and no more DTCs showed up once they were cleared.
1:52 The customer is lucky their vehicle didn’t catch on fire at any point. If it backfired at any point it most likely would have caused a fire. They repaired the exhaust, fixed the heat shield, and replaced the fuel tank.
2:02 The technician turned off the high beams.
2:16 The vehicle wasn’t sold and the technician was just doing the PDI (pre-delivery inspection) on it. I asked the technician about the engine oil and he says VW uses 0w-20 engine oil that is very green. I thought it was coolant at first but it’s just the engine oil that they use. He said a new long block (complete engine) will be installed under warranty of course.
2:29 The customer was older and couldn’t look underneath the vehicle herself so she brought it into this dealership. As mentioned somebody at the dealership took the kitten home to her family.
2:48 Info from the person who filmed this: “Riding down 15 North in San Diego and came upon a truck driving on its rim alone. Doing 65 mph. After passing him, I saw the rim explode into pieces in my rearview mirror and sparks start flying as he continues on the axle alone. Slowed down to let him catch up and this is what you see here. Still doing 65 mph with hazards on and no sign of slowing down.”
3:01 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Happy Monday! Hope you guys have a great week. Submit your clips @ http://www.justrolledinyt.com
Thanks for watching!
I Love ALL The Rust Clips. It Just Shows Being a Mechanic Is Easier Than Learning That ALL WEATHER ON EARTH ISN'T THE SAME! LOL!
WOW, your channel only confirms my beliefs on the number of stupid people amongst us!
"fixed your glovebox issue, $124 in parts, 1 hour minimum charge, $225 total including taxes".
Man I never find fluffy kittens
the true question is: what broke the light?! when the turkey was clearly missing it!
Smallest turkey I’ve ever seen.
I never thought changing a tire was some arcane knowledge, until I saw a landlords wife drive home on the rim. When asked why she did that, she said she didn't know anything about mechanical work.
Was an elementary school teacher.
The turkey imprint took me out LMFAO
Those DTCs that don't erase themselves are one of the biggest scams in the auto industry.
Ending brings a whole new meaning to drive it like you stole it!
The guy with the Alpha Romeo Quadrifolio does not deserve this car. F*king ignorants
Many don't know if you drive on a rim the state can sue you for road damages if your stopped. so want a huge fine of 20,000 dollars…
The turkey imprint

I'm wondering this what is the thought process behind the driving without tire phenomena.
Sometimes, I don't know why, I think Americans are stupid…
It’s pretty bad when it’s cheaper to drive on and destroy the wheel,lower control arm,break rotor and spindle instead of calling a tow truck.
Why you would need anyone to close the glove box for you. Should you be in charge of a car ?
some people simply should not be allowed out on their own!
It is absolutely insane how many times you see american drivers blasting over the highway with a missing tire. Who is paying for the damaged asphalt?
I blame child safety caps on nasty household chemicals for many of these types of problems. In the 50's kids that are stupid would have drunk bleach, not making it to adulthood to do stupid things.
You just can't fix stupid!
These people vote…thus Trump.
The turkey looks like the fossil velociraptor in Jurassic park.
I would have cut that last truck off and forced him to pull over, he easily could have lost control and killed somebody.
So finally we see the conclusion of those “idiots in cars” videos where people are leaving spark trails behind them
3:00 Speak of the devil.
1:23 is the only truthful story a customer has ever told
Must have destroy the road.
2:50 WHYYY!!!!?
I'm amazed that kitten made it there OK.
"3 wheels on my wagon and I'm still rolling along…." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1pFTSQfmhU
Surprised these people passed their drivers exam
SMDH; I’ll never understand such stupidity.
The scary part of these stories:
These people drive on public roads…that I drive on!
This clip proves that STUPID is ruling out there.
See if you got caught in the UK driving your vehicle with no wheel you would most likely lose your licence for dangerous driving .