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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Different brake rotors/wheels – https://www.tiktok.com/@1aflamablanca
Broken strut mini van – https://www.tiktok.com/@samuel_the_kid_kidder
Dirty car – https://www.tiktok.com/@iaintgonholdu
Last clip – Christopher Graham via ViralHog
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 The bumper and grill are off as those need to be removed to remove the headlights. The technician didn’t mention if the headlights were salvageable or not.
0:23 The technician said: “customer drove the car in and in the middle of the parking lot her wheel fell off. We jacked up the right front and pulled it into the shop and found the bearings had been gone for a long time, replaced the front brakes & caliper, hub, and knuckle and the wheel as well had been ground down, brake pads are long gone and are probably in someone’s tire.”
0:37 The technician doesn’t know yet if his dealership took this vehicle on trade-in yet. Looks like they were driving on the spare tire. So most likely, they didn’t have another spare so kept driving.
0:49 The technician said: “2019 Toyota Camry TAXI came in for a recall. The customer didn’t mention anything about all the lights on (check engine, Collison, TPMS ) had to boost the car. He says just do the recall as I’m going to sell it.”
1:03 As shown the lower ball joint is broken into two pieces. From the look’s of it, the customer might have hit something which snapped it in half. Could be that it was wear and tear as well since you can’t see any grease in the ball joint (but I’ve never seen that before).
1:15 The customer didn’t order the correct wheels with the correct offset. So in this case the customer could order some wheel spacers, or buy the correct wheels with the correct offset. As you see in the clip, the backside of the wheel/spokes is rubbing against the brake caliper and that’s why the customer’s car couldn’t move.
1:25 The technician has no clue why the customer has different wheels/brakes. Maybe they got some used parts from a scrap yard.
1:35 It seems to be a common issue, and Mazda has a TSB (Technical Service Bulletin) regarding this issue. More info here – https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/tsbs/2018/MC-10143977-9999.pdf
1:41 Seen this happen to a lot of these Chrysler vans. It seems to be common to see the strut towers rust out and strut mounts fail.
1:50 No extra info.
2:06 No extra info from the viewer who sent this in. However, it definitely needs a tire and I’m sure the other 3 need to be replaced as well.
2:15 People add body mounts to their vehicle to lift up the body (cab and box/bed in this case) so they can most likely fit bigger tires. This is a cheaper way instead of doing a lift kit that costs more. This one the customer did doesn’t look to safe and you probably can’t put much weight in the bed/box anymore.
2:25 The technician said: “Customer is willing to pay 4 hours labor to remove the forbidden goo plus one hour for R&I window regulator motor. They just moved to Florida from Colorado and didn’t understand how hot and humid it REALLY is here. Window regulator motor shot due to forbidden goo interfering with window regulator motor. Instructed customer to replace deadening material with different material.
Update II: Front passenger window also inop. due to the same reason. The customer has agreed to pay me double to do both doors and window regulators. Extra time later to remove all deadening material on other doors and replace with something more suitable for the Florida heat and humidity.”
The customer used Stinger Roadkill which they bought online.
2:45 The viewer who shared this said the shop is a quick walk from his home so that’s probably why they didn’t come off. The shop was apologetic and felt really bad, refunded the money, and redid the alignment.
2:54 After a long hard day, clocking out causes some excitement.
3:09 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Just want to say thanks to everybody for sending in clips/photos lately, it's help out a lot lately.
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Thanks for watching!
This would’ve been me if I didn’t become a mechanic on accident
"would you get in this?" no sir i would not, why are so many cars just mobile trashcans for people?
Dit anyone install a horn into my power seats? Tooot tooot

Stupidity of the human being never ceases to amaze me.
There moron who owns that car and did this need to take the licence and cut it up take this car to the impound cos you to fucking spasticated to own one ffs people

I have questions, but I don't think I want to know the answers.
You can't add washer fluid to headlights BY MISTAKE. If you're that stupid, you should not be driving – or breeding. That moron did it because he thought it would look cool.
How I mean how stupid can people’s brains be??
This is what I thought of when I heard he'd filled the headlights with wiper fluid.
It can't be that someone thought putting 2 strips of duct tape on a wheel would fix it? It cant be real.
i would love to see each individual owner.. just to know what stupitidy looks like.
Reminds me of Red vs Blue.
2:04 HELL NO! Why the hell are people so lazy and disgusting? 2:13 I know there are a lot of stupid people among us, but I've never seen any that are THAT stupid.
Some people just shouldn’t own a vehicle…
It must really suck to be broke and mentally ill.
A LOT of people shouldn't be allowed to own cars. Better that way.
Blinker fluid
How is nobody talking about the 3 year old taxi filled with mold?!
Can we retire Blinker fluid "jokes" already?
Same people that keep asking the waitress if they get a free angioplasty with every meal….
my truck used the same body lift on the bed, long as you do it right that's all the support it needs.
I guess I’ve been wrong. Duct tape can’t fix everything lol
No, he just wanted blue headlights.
We're the greatest country in the world but not because of these idiots
How stupid can people be?
The worse part is, these people drive and vote.
Two weeks later, the customer had to replace their muffler bearing and piston return springs.
Drill a small hole in the plastic at the bottom.. done deal
3:05 Stupid customers finally got to him!
0:15 At least he was man enough to admit to it.
Being honest i left alignment targets on the passenger side once… Made it 50 ft b4 i knew something wasnt right.
Oh, Christ ! “Headlight fluid and muffler bearings” ! The know nothing bill padders of olden times !
And as a mechanic for a hell of a long time and watching these videos I can only remind myself how amazing it is that the machines we create actually keep us safer than we know as the vast majority of these breakdowns should have killed us…