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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Subscribed to 2nd channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/JustRolledOut
1st clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@ruuude_boi
2nd clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@h_syndrome
Last clip – https://www.tiktok.com/@ss.seanecarlo
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 Dodge Ram 1500. The technician used a shop vac. to clean up the nest and cleaned the battery connections and the smell went away. It looks like a nest that squirrels or mice made. Usually happens when you park your vehicle for a long period of time.
0:18 Glasses were in the way of the interior door handle so the latch stayed open and the door wouldn’t stay closed. 2015
0:33 The customer removed 1 electric fan when he installed a turbo and other aftermarket parts on this vehicle. It’s always important to not have anything in the way of the radiator and intercooler for proper airflow.
The technician removed the plastic shroud and it fixed the overheating issue.
0:53 The technician said he was surprised that the customer drove in without a nut + cotter pin holding the idler arm as the vehicle wouldn’t be that safe to drive.
1:15 2018 Dodge RAM 3500
The technician said: “The customer said fuel gauge shows empty but they said they filled it. I was showing in the video how when I was filling it the fuel gauge went from empty to full.” The customer never filled it as mentioned on the work order.
1:37 The technician thinks that the customer drove over a curb and tried to blame it on his shop.
1:50 Key worked and no issues were found.
2:02 The technician said this was on a BMW (didn’t mention the exact model). However, this is why it’s always important to get an inspection done before buying a vehicle.
2:22 The customer is very lucky more damage didn’t happen. Most likely somebody threw a lit cigarette out their window while driving and it got sucked through the air filter of this vehicle.
2:34 Seen rodents hide pasta, nuts, and other food in air filter boxes. It’s pretty common to see. Always important to store dog food and other food in metal containers if you keep the containers in the same spot (garage) as where your vehicle is parked.
2:41 The technician took off the wheel, removed the blanket, and luckily there was no damage.
2:51 A beautiful Chevrolet Corvair in Evening Orchid (color).
3:01 Outro. Thanks for watching!
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Have a great upcoming weekend!
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I get people are stupid , but whats baffling is how few people will actually open their hood
Some of the people shouldn't own a car
Told my techs 1000 times, never overestimate the intelligence of our customers.
Did the guy think the transfer tank was plumbed into the truck's fuel system? Sounds like some people I work with!
The issue with the key reminded me of a comical situation that happened to myself. First some back ground. One of our cars is a Ford Escape that once in awhile would have a dead battery for no apparent reason (problem was later found). One day Beth had an appointment and could not be late so I got up early and checked that the car would start. Dead battery again. So I boosted the car and let it run for an hour to charge the battery then turned it off. 30 minutes later, Beth was ready to go so I went out to start the car. It would not start. I got pissed off and told Beth to take my car and on the way home, to buy a new battery for her car. Later that day I installed the new battery but just a short time later, again the car would not start. I was really starting to get pissed off then realized what was happening. Beth's car is an Escape, I drive a Grand Caravan. My key fits her ignition. Will turn the car on, but… get ready for it… the cars anti theft mechanism recognizes it is not the proper key and won't crank the engine. Her key will not fit my car, but my key fits and turns her ignition switch. All this time, we inadvertently would grab the wrong key and not realize it. She now has a new battery she did not need…
The noodles are a first for me
what's the difficulty of opening the bonnet by yourself?
The fuel gauge not working, but tank is full person sounds like one of those people that you say 'this is not how this works, this is not how any of this works'. They filled their aux tank and expected that to make the gauge sense the actual tank is full. This customer takes the cake for the most helpless.
If they actually filled the aux tank they should have filled the main one as well, since the aux tank is supposed to be fuel for a 'just in case' scenario. I guess since he didn't actually go and fill the main one I guess that was one of those 'just in case ' moments that was created out of user ignorance.
Some People are Just To stupid to Live! let alone Drive Any Car ! WOW.
can not get over how stupid people are ,worried that their behind the wheel.
"Smells like my battery is burning"….hmmm! We had a one week old VW Golf, which back then you ladies/gents might have called a Rabbit. We were 80 miles from home, started the car & after about 45 miles "smells like my battery is burning". Stopped literally "in the middle of nowhere", popped the hood, which we call a "bonnet".
Staring back at me was a bulging, almost melting high-quality German made battery. Too hot to touch.
Can't remember my exact actions, but I hoiked off a wire or two and we got home ok. (No chance of being "recovered" on a tow truck.)
(By this time it smelt like we had our own private fish-smoking plant under the bonnet.)
The VW shop sent a mechanic with a new battery & alternator and changed them both.
Apparently our car was the "3rd one this week", there was a "bad batch" of voltage regulators which just allowed the alternator to continuously charge the battery until "meltdown". We were not far off that! (But it was utterly faultless for the next 2 years!)
Lit cigarette in the air intake. I have experienced this too. Stop/start nose-to-tail traffic on 3 lane motorway. A "don't give a F" yuppie slightly ahead & 1 lane across from us flipped his part-used cigarette out & it landed in our air intake, bottom of the screen. Our car immediately started to smell like it had been a smoker's car for 20 years. He was somewhat surprised when I returned his butt to him, told him the error of his ways, explained it was recorded on my dashcam & if he threw anything else out I'd send the footage to our Roads Policing Unit. (They also use bikes, and one of their pet hates is people who throw lit cigarettes out of cars, because of the dangers to motor cyclists.) (And yes, here you CAN be fined for throwing anything out of a moving vehicle.)
My sister owns a small 2 passenger BMW sports car. She phones me and asks me to come over to find out why the car was overheating. The car was parked for the winter. I opened the hood and squirrels packed her engine compartment with pine cones. She was livid, cursed out the squirrels and was going to get the car towed to the BMW dealer. I suggested take the barbeque tongues and remove the hard to reach cones yourself. She is lucky that she has me for her brother. Anyone else that stupid, I would have said, yea what other choice do you have ?
So, don't people ever have enough curiosity to pop the hood on their own cars every once in a while?
Customer states they painted their Corvair a bitchin' shade of mauve and added some super, duper, neato things on their engine, but is now ashamed.
Salesman didn’t show the guy how to raise the hood.
2:40 i mean sure, yes, of course… noodles… why not! … anyone got ketchup?!
I removed the fuel tank. No idea why it’s not working
There's two kinds of people in these videos, the people who drive straight to the mechanic anytime something happens without even bothering to check it out themselves, and the people who insist on doing all the work themselves without having any of the requisite knowledge or tools and then only take the car to a mechanic when they literally cannot drive it anymore.
Dont worry buddy, that Eclipse will spend 90% of its life on jack stands.
Dont people know how to open the hood of their own vehicle? I cant believe some of the things people take their cars in for. Should they even be driving at all?
Customer state "my car smells like ass"
Maintenance guy: pan camera inside and sees a bunch of asses
2:42 kids usually let go of things when you hit them
2:32 smoking inst good even for cars, don't smoke
I laughed out loud when I saw the glasses.
As someone who drove a vehicle down a mountain with a damaged idler-arm from a big rock on the road? I can tell you, you KNOW something is wrong… How, did they come in for something unrelated???
The bird's nest under the hood amazes me. The customer said it smelled like the battery was burning but he was too lazy to lift the hood?
2:22 the reason i always put out my cigarettes in the ashtray before throwing them out the window
I cut a bit of slack for the "trunk won't open" people, because our truck tailgate was stuck locked for weeks (tried the key, tried the unlock from the fob and inside the cab) and the guys at the dealership unlocked it like normal. Never did figure out why it stuck, but they lubricated the actuator anyway
cant believe the dude with an extra fuel tank coming in for no gas lmao
How does a bird build a nest on a closed hood anyway?
Who the hell thinks that removing a fan and covering up the radiator wouldn't cause any problems? What was the purpose of those modifications anyways?
I don't get it, how difficult is it to pop open the hood and see what's happening in there?
This is prove that some people are better off owning a bicycle, not a car, or truck.
ok honestly to the credit of the second clip, That is an awful latch design
Doesn't it scare you knowing they exist on the same road as us.
holy shit, that cigaratte in the air intake wtf?
The lit cigarette one. Dear lord lmfao.
Is that Rainman Ray's truck there out of fuel?!
Pasta!?! How did pasta get in there???? Lmao. Oh, I keep forgetting squirrels like to store things under car hoods. Oops. Lol
These people serve on juries……