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Sometimes you just have to wonder what toy companies were thinking when they created some toys. In this video we will have a closer look at some of the creepiest toys ever made!

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37 thoughts on β€œCreepiest Kids Toys Ever Made!”

  1. Little Miss No Name looks like something that would have been sold in Spencer's or Hot Topic. I'm pretty sure they meant for it to be creepy with that font and ominous ellipses on the box.
    Also, I had a cabbage patch doll that "ate" food. I thought it was cool. I'd forgotten all about it until now! *Core memory unlocked*

  2. Wow…and I thought those talking/singing McNuggets in one of the old McDonald's commercials were disturbing enough…I can see how Matt Groening got the ideas for "Funzo" and the evil Krusty the Klown doll, from one of the "Treehouse of Horrors" episodes…

  3. WHY IS THERE NO FURBY ON THIS LIST? Have you SEEN what those things looked like under the fur?? I took the batteries out of mine and shoved it into the back of the closet because it kept turning itself on and singing at me at all hours of the day and night and even after that I could still hear it singing at times so I buried it deep in the back of the freezer and hoped that would work and it did until it nearly gave my dad a heart attack when he was reaching for some tater tots and got that thing instead. Screamed loud enough the neighbors thought someone was murdering him with a lawnmower blade and almost called the cops. That was 20 years ago I don't know what ultimately happened to it. Hopefully it ended up in a landfill or something, somewhere on the other side of the world. Or maybe it burned up in a fire. Honestly i'm happy either way because the alternative would be that it didn't go anywhere and is still there… my parents house….in my old bedroom…..waiting…

  4. Hey I have the creeping baby still with her old fashioned dress. It belonged to my mother and when she passed I ended up with it, but I have no idea where she got it from.

  5. Re: The creeping dolls. In some U. S. dialects, babies crawling on hands and knees is called "creeping", while scooting on their bellies is called "crawling". Yeah, that seems weird to me too.

    Stephen King wrote a horror story about a jolly chimp toy, in which every time it clapped, someone died.

  6. I remember when baby alive first came out in the 70s. I remember people saying they found it maggots inside of it. Don't know if its true, but I remember that much!

  7. To be fair, original Midge from 1963, was not pregnant and used the same body as Barbie, she just looks more "girl next door." It wasn't until the 2000s that Midge was reintroduced with the pregnancy gimmick.

  8. Whenever I've seen those Fuggler Toys online they always had really positive reviews. I have no idea why. Maybe parents were buying them to record their kid's reactions to the dolls. Parents can be quite sadistic.

  9. Wow, πŸ‘ wish I or 1 of my friends had a zombie stroller back then! That company or another one should bring that back!! Bet it would do great in this era

  10. In the mid 80's was a cartoon and a toy line called Inhumanoids, it was about 3 giant monsters trying to take over the world. The worst was D'Compose a giant rotting monster with a skull head and exposed ribcage and the lead monster was Metlar which looked like a giant armored satan. The toys were just as creepy, Metlar looked even worse than in the cartoon and D'Compose's ribcage could be opened to trap the good guys it even had rubbery guts inside.

  11. Omg imagine knowing that creepy ass cymbal monkey was in your room in the dark staring at you all night 😱 or if the cymbals just started clanging randomly??

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