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25 thoughts on “Cops impound 14 year olds tractor… I send hundreds more

  1. This is absolutely perfect. And it goes to show that when people stand together we are more powerful than our government thinks it is. Stand up for everything, even if it is just the little things. As they continue to take away we need to stand our ground. God bless America

  2. Hey, Dude, like, Dude, like, you know, like ah, um….Dude and dudettes…….like, work on your GED’s and REALLY be “nobody” and like prove it, Dude…….!!??

  3. As someone who's been on the law enforcement side of things…. If the police department had a problem with the tractor being driven on the road, the issue could have been resolved simply by instructing the boy to get a "slow vehicle" reflective triangle and a warning beacon put on the tractor. As long as the boy has those, and obeys all other traffic signs and signals, every road in the US, (except for highways) are legal to drive on during the day. And if he wants to drive at night, then he just needs to add a head light and tail light.

  4. Ah you remind me of my first go cart that I was tuning for first time I had it up on blocks the return spring fell off it reved up fell off blocks and drove its self out my yard turn left perfick drives up street left again in driveway then takes off over a ramp then went up hill into woods

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