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Bam Margera fills us in on what he’s been up to this past year!
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43 thoughts on “Bam Margera Spent An Entire Year In Rehab – Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #119

  1. we love you Bam and Stev-o we've grown up together from when drugs and drink were fun and cool to when now tey are lame and deadly. im so glad we are all straight and clean now. you arent alone your fans still got your back and youre both sitll sexy af even with a lil silver in the hair just sayin😎

  2. Here after hearing of Bams most recent health issues.. Praying for him.. I think it's obvious here that Bam is still not completely accepting of the magnitude of his issues. And good job Steve O because I think he picks up on that instantly and tries to hammer it home without being condensing.

  3. Ok. Watching more. And I see Steve selling lots of stuff. Yes. He gets paid for this. Yet he’s great at lecturing bam. You were there Steve. You were one of the worse. Everyone knows it’s hard. But you lecturing to me personally is not going to help anyone. Bam. You know you had a problem. Have a problem. That’s the first step. I don’t think Steve is saying anything to you that you don’t know. Sorry Steve. I just think you’re pushing to hard. Like you are what? Better than him? I have faith in him. I think he can do it. It’s going to be hard. No sugar coating. But Steve is very judgmental. I’m surprised. And hopefully it comes from Love. But I personally think he’s doing it the wrong way. I don’t mean anyone should baby you. But the doubt in his voice over you recovering is troublesome. Do what you have to be HEALTHY. Physically and mentally. My prayers and thoughts are with you.

  4. I have anxiety disorder. Panic disorder etc. alcoholism is the same thing. It’s a sickness. Mental. You will ALWAYS be an alcoholic. So will Steve. But you can be well. You just have to consciously each time make the decision to not let it control you. You will never ever be able to even take a sip. As far as Steve lol. I smoke cigarettes. I am not a loser. I have no other vices. I enjoy it. And I’m not going to live forever. An ex smoker should NEVER judge someone else. You’re an ex smoker and an ex alcoholic. Or should I say an alcoholic in remission. And selling the product to stop smoking. It’s kind of cheesy. But anyhow. Moving past. Bam and Steve. I wish you boat the best. Bam. Please don’t be the ex that judges everyone else.

  5. So let me get this right he's virtue signaling about getting his friend to quit drinking and how important it is but then he's selling a water and the pitch is that you feel cool like you're drinking beer? Because it looks like a beer? Is Steve-O in Middle school?

  6. Is it an interesting how these guys seek virtue through their drinking days getting kids hooked on drugs and booze as a bad influence and now they get to seek the virtue of virtue signaling and trying to get the same kids that they got addicted off of drugs what a joke

  7. It's too bad you don't have the facts here Steve-O instead of helping your boy. Lima doesn't have his best interests in mind. There's no reason to take over his life and renew the "Guardianship" the exact DAY he fights for his life to beat C19 and pneumonia in the San Diego ICU, unless they're prepping to take his money. Complete BS non-sense. They're not at his bedside they're far away at a courthouse to gain control over his assets. Says it all.


  9. I hear ya Steve-O, Bam Bam is a bloody legendary bloke just like yourself Uncle Steve, it's having friends like you that makes the difference between falling or rising up. Love the show keep the great work going.

  10. So he lectures us about a drink, vape, or smoke but still gets arrested while sober and pulls his Weiner out and Jacks off. Thanks for the lecture…..when did these guys become such prudes. Just learn to moderate your vices

  11. Steve O put this interview off for 2 months until bam fell off just so he could gain views and pretend like he cares. Your using bam for content Steve o. Your not a friend.

  12. Bam was set up the day after this interview under the guise that he will go to Disneyland and be with his son. Then boom! He’s arrested and allegedly doing coke with a hooker in the room he is in this video. It was all a set up to get Lima in control of him and his money.

  13. Gosh Stevo has come so far!! It's wild because I can hear Bam still struggling with surrender. He still has his little plans and designs that are blocking him from the true freedom. Hope he finds the solution.

  14. Bam on this interview is in what I call the "seen the light" phase. Where he's saying that he understands but it's said with reservation. It's not genuine. My mom was a hardcore alcoholic. I've seen it many times.

  15. do not twist the Truth of Vapor .. I have been vap8ng for over 10 years and No Issues… lungs are squeaky clean! Most clump together the deaths of vaping from those weed Carts that were deliberately cut with something that should NOT have been in those carts. in the first place. Traditional E-liquid. has 4 ingreds. nothing more. even salt nicotine. if they lowered the amount of nicotine I would fully support them as well. Popcorn lung was a disease that came out of breathing in that flavor while working at a popcorn factory… for decades….
    During the height of vaping, they tried velcrowing that story to vaping.. and why you ask?. There are 100's of butter flavors you could use and one had a SINGLE carcinogen. and they said if you vape that you would die…. that is statistically ridiculous… So what the industry did instead, to avoid more garbage info, they just went to one other of the 100's different butter flavorings that didn't have carcinogens…. Then they tried to smear the i dustry again by saying what metal is used to create the vapor ( boil )… they were saying that toxic fumes were coming off of those metals…. and that was once again a farce… the temp. that coils need to make vapor gets no where near the tenp that would be needed to create said toxic fumes…. so again more b.s. and it just kept on stacking on more and more b.s. that people were continuously given to turn heads away from vape….
    * bottom line it was old tobacco money under different company names that wera/are pushing that whole "TRUTH" initiative *
    so they can heads back to smoking
    but ya'll don't hear me though….smh

  16. Dude, Bam, you are missed sorely! From the beginning, you, Jess, Rake, Brandon, Ryan, I could go on and on. Y'all have been my heros since my fucking tidy whitey skid marks! I have been sober now for two years, and when y'all lost Ryan, I felt like I and the whole world lost a brother as well. I love you and I hope we don't lose you to those same demons too! All love,

    Jess W.

  17. It's a shame he keeps hanging out with hard partying losers who stroke his ego and enable him. He's got the easiest gig on the planet and can't even put the bottle down long enough to realize it.

  18. People who are true fans of Jackass and Bam know there wouldn't be a Steve O without Bam. Giving Bam help with content get out of here. The real addiction is Steve O's addiction for attention and clearly he hasn't worked on that. One day his gay little antics aren't going to be funny. Bam was at least found from talent with skateboarding. Cky his movies are hilarious Haggard Viva la bam owning comedy in the thps series where the f*** is Santa etc. Steve O just puts on a thong and says dumb shit. Don't throw stones Steve O. You literally went on a talk show and said ni#@$r multiple times.

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