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38 thoughts on “Anvil Durability Test #1

  1. My dad always told me I could fuck up an anvil. So I bought one. I actually use it. Can't believe what it took. Your out of your mind. You should work for universal laboratory. It Ralph Nader 😂

  2. Wow. From 1865…The coolest part is that all of those tiny marks, cuts, scratches and imperfections tell a story…and a lot of them visible from the top each meant something to the blacksmith who labored over that iron for decades. Smith's would use different marks like these to gage where to support a piece of work from and also use it with the others to gage typical thicknesses, widths, and other info. he would need to create different works within similar dimensions. After working with an anvil for so many years, a Smith would know every imperfection on that anvil – in and out…and most of them meant something to him / her….and probably all the horses around too…I'm sure they appreciated the consistently fine-tuned shoes…
    I contemplate the Smith's who worked on that anvil from 1865 to date and all of the lost information – lost to time – and also the history the #WhistlinDiesel will add to it..
    An anvil is one of those things that's like a time capsule that quietly holds every strike, every stroke, every burn, every forge, and every uniquely finished piece of iron. Just imagine the stories that anvil could tell of all those who labored over it in the past….assuming it has actually been used that is…

    Very cool piece of history – I think.>[

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