Two decades after serving his sentence, Ali Siddiq travels to Bell County Jail to perform stand-up, and he talks about everything from tricking cops to the beauty of margaritas. (Contains strong language.)
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Ali Siddiq: It’s Bigger Than These Bars
Original airdate: February 23, 2018
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Amazing special, you are so funny, and I know the audience appreciated you. This kind of stuff should be done more often
good work
So he don't give Chappelle vibes comedy central being petty but he funny tho
Wow! Funny, powerful and so inspiring! "You got to be free in your mentality." Soooooo true! Thank you Ali! Keep on shinning!
A free mind is the best mind to have. I love your attitude for life and your standup reaches and teaches many, more than you know. Don’t stop.

As someone who’s only known “Free Society” I absolutely hate it when people stand DIRECTLY BEHIND you in line. It takes everything in me to maintain control.
This was good.
"…. Mexicans got on Boots!!!"
Brilliant & hilarious
This was awesome. He's literally my go to when I need to laugh. Thank you
This was some solid stuff
Ali is defying the odds and encouraging others to stay on journey of mental and physical freedom
I've been home 25 years now and I still remember that DC# he's right,it's mental.
Good show. Loved it. Came here from the skit lol. Mexican got on boots
Man this legit brought tears to my eyes to see this man sit down with other men and talk about having that number burn in his mind
The accuracy is bar none
, even from the perspective of the Officers. Dead on.

"these the jails drawz"….
Thats such a great thing you did, bringing laughter to a place of depression and anxiety. Love your stand up! Keep it real!
Alhamdulillah is all I can say after rolling on the floor laughing hysterically! Retired C/O here… and this was on-point!
I feel like this is a genuine instance where prison helped someone look forward to a healthy legitimate future we need to find out what was different between his time and the people's time who just go straight back to it, it could help 10s of thousands of ppl
Modern day Slavery! They could provide something in the way of rehabilitation but NO!
" rice, in a can??, "you wanna eat for a day or eat for a month?", and the ultimate.." Caribbean Queen… mmm-mmmm" you are Great!!!!!!
@17:35 security guard held it in!
C O!!!!!!!!
This version has scenes I’ve never seen before. The last scent was hilarious!
BB King is looking down from the universe and smiling.
Mexicans got on boots!
seen this yrs ago, still funny
I remember I stumbled on Ali so randomly and my god I’m so happy… hands down one of the funniest comedians out there
The SPN number part got Me!!
Bru dis was amazing I know alotta ppl in there needed dat laugh

plzz keep doing this for other prisons

Great job Bro second time watching you and you killed it both times.