18+older. We have planted over 40 perennial plants, bushes, and trees as well as some annuals and flowers. Follow me as I walk through my yard and show you what we have planted and are currently working on as well as some plans for the future.
Trees Planted: Bing Cherry, Stella Cherry, Black Tartarian Cherry, Fireside Apple, Honeycrisp Apple, Cortland Apple, Bartlett Pear, Luscious Pear, Asian Pear, Reliance Peach, Red Haven Peach, Belle of Georgia Peach, and a Spice Zee Nectaplum! plus 10 grapes of multiple green and red varieties, 12 berry plants, 4 of each with 3 different varieties for pollinating. plus Echinacea, Sorrel, Wormwood and Rhubarb! all these plants will come back and produce year after year as long as they are cared for. We also planted some annuals for veggies but our focus right now is getting the perennials in this year. If you want more Homestead Updates write MORE HOMESTEAD UPDATES in the comments. Thank you and enjoy!
Shout out to James Prigioni from Jersey for inspiration. If you enjoy garden videos give James a sub and tell him your came Customgrow420!!! https://youtube.com/c/jamesprigioni
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LETS GET JAMES PRIGIONI OVER 1 MILLION SUBS!!! He is at 976k!!! TELL HIM CG420 SENT YOU!!! https://youtube.com/c/jamesprigioni
and no i am not a hater. i am just speaking facts trying to help someone out
if you have wooden siding which im pretty sure you do you will want to re paint your house because if it is left exposed like that your house will wear down faster due to rain, wind, weather, etc. it is not good to leave your siding exposed it will lead to more harder work later on down the road
Zinnias are my personal favorites
What's up bro stay higher then others
This shit makes me so happy man, I’ve watched for years before I even smoked, and you never stopped putting out great content for us no matter what YOU were going through, fuckin sick to see where you are now man
dogs are not suppose to eat grapes btw just saying personally i have never had an issue just something i heard down from the GRAPE vine haha see what i did there
Love that you enjoy a garden tho I been watching you for like 10 years and just thought of you, fame is a bitch but you look like your making it and am happy for you, will always support jolioli
U need to going back to just smoking like a boss and your views will go up with a good title for the video
Lol 7:35 – 7:41
love this dude
Man I’ve never heard you address the haters like you did today my friend FUCK’EM. You must be smoking less bro
Weres the weed pants
I would suggest to plant some pomegranate trees, you can use a blender and drink nutrients quick, as well as some type of wild berries are all very healthy to have on a daily basis
Nice Versace shirt.
You're making the right moves. House, garden. Keep at it
I just got my first house. It was built in 1980 here in Fitchburg MA. Looks kinda similar great video man.. crazy I like grew up watching your videos.. lol I’m 29 now haha also raspberries are somewhat invasive, that can and will take over
The dream
Awesome to see you out and about man!! I am new to your channel wish i found you sooner bro! Love your work.
Better pick up that can laying within all your onions
Till the ground
Call your SISTER Mister
New F.B. find me
Cinematic opener.
What does this have anything to do with marijuana?
2:25 get the dog away from the grape plants it is literal poison to them.
Hell yeah looks good as. 4:30 though did you accidentally step on your dog

You know Whatsup in todays day your going to need all those vegetables, especially when stuff goes down

Need pick that can up tho lol jus playing
Customgrow420 i miss ya smoking videos like fr tho you need make more
Looking beautiful man! FINALLY GROWING
Quick tip on a temporary fix for the soil before you amend it: there are enzyme soil aerators you can get at lowes, works great in my experience if you water regularly
Once those grape vines take over that deck is going to fucking fominate awesome work man
Yo im ngl this surprised the shit out of me…But i respect it bigtime! I want more updates of this garden bro i lowkey just got inspired to get myself a few plants in my own garden haha!
Love to see the life you live great landscape!!!
Still here from 6 years ago
Glad to hear u got a new house.
Just followed you on twitch, and subscribed
cover your entire garden in cardbord, water the hell out of it , then drop 4 inches of mulch on it. itll loosin up that soil over the years and add food , keep bugs at a lower amount an less unsmokable weeds.
I'm building out a 3 acre market garden in Sherwood OR . You have a real addiction like me brother. Gardening breathes life in the planet and your soul . Would love to have you out to pick some produce and fire up my electronic nail when you do or low profile if the family comes with you . Just keep growing
Awesome man!
Hey man! Love the vid, I do have one comment though, as a painter when I heard you say how old the house was I already know the paint is most likely lead paint which is HIGHLY TOXIC, and with all those paint chips in the dirt you could have contaminated soil! Id check into this especially with kids playing around it.
What’s best disposable for delta thc. Delta 8 or delta 10. What brand and line. I’ve been using zaza
i saw your videos 6 years ago now im just happy seeing you alive
I have my medical card and license to grow where do you suggest I buy the absolute best seeds no matter the price? Everybody that sees this comment please comment where
Sent you an email. Hope to hear from you soon!
I actually really enjoyed this it's not weed content but super interesting cuz I'm a custom grow fan keep up the new content I dig it brother much love from the 815