I honestly didnt think this would be so intense….do you think YOU would make it?
When I first started sampling for our company prodcuts I did around half this amount….and I blacked out in my Uber ahahaahaahaha.
This time I attempted 3-4 times the amount…..I didnt black out in an Uber this time but it did get INTENSE. I understand this is my job and I love it….but this was genuinely a CHALLENGE.
Thank you for watching
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Dope As Yola
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i rlly enjoy watching ur vid they make me feel better like i felt so bad before watching ur vids i just spark up and watch and it feels like ur a homie just chilling with me thank man ur vids rlly help
I sweat when i eat sour candy. Might be the citirc acid or something
“If you were skinny you wouldn’t sweat”
this was pain to watch but funny
You should make a bag of gummy’s that are small so you can do a marathon or make a really high thc amount
hey i know this is a late comment but what about instead of it being smaller dosages with larger quantities what if you tried like a wonka bar challenge where it’s a lot larger doses and it might be a little easier to handle a couple chocolate bars
I did this challenge when I was 18 and I was in and outta consciousness
God eating all that candy looks like punishment
500mlg is the perfect amount
He just eating them like regular candy
I deadass thought you were about to play cornhole with the fucking shark bags
Don’t you get tired of getting high all the time, not my business what you do but just wandering?
"if you wanna box we can box"
"ill punch your beard off"
dude of a perc
Top guy top channel love your content . Here in the uk it’s a forbidden fruit wish I was in the US if you ever want to recruit a uk cannabis lover I’m your man all the best for the future hope they stop messing with your channels take it easy bro
Working for you will make any tolerance go thru the roof

You should try some Mike Tysons products.
Amazing video. Peace and love folks
Dude watching this while high as shit is great
I can't even eat two gummy sharks before I'm done with the candy.
“i’m completely fucked up”.. takes dab LMFAOO
Bro looked like a zombie at 4am
I wished i could visit you in the us
in germany we only dream of that stuff ^^ would give everything cause weed is my life ^^