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trainwreck!? takes me back in 2001
That's shit is garbage waste of money
I dont know whats happening inn the states with cannabis but you need to come and live up in the great white north, we got super clean Hi grade
Beautiful bro

That looks like the D8 we get in Kentucky
Yeah that's why it looks like that, it's Hemp flower guys. It's not "real" bud, it's basically the same as Delta or THC-O. It does actually get you high but only a little
Lol wtf you trollin?
Fav strain

What a sell out lmaoo I ain’t buying that’s hit I’m lucky I can see it.
I know there’s more to it than looks but please
Looks awful
Ya I gotta ask can you not smoke regular weed anymore for some weird reason all I see ya smoking is this and I've tried it all it's all harsh and I end up throwing it away tbh
That beep made it so satisfying
i need some thcp but cant find it at dispensaries
Grow what happen to the actual pot mang
The uk be killing it
I'm sorry but that looks like trash
fart sound effect
looks like hay
That shits dogshit
That's sum swag
Who’s fuckin ringtone goes HONK HONK like dawg
He said “premium” HAHAHA
Yeah indoor greenhouse garbage.
You can literally see leaves all up in there

That's gross looking weed