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Tom Segura is a massive stand-up comedian and podcast host of shows YMH and Two Bears One Cave.

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33 thoughts on “Tom Segura Requires Private Jets – Steve-Os Wild Ride #133

  1. Steve-O we all love you man. But you have to stop comparing yourself to stand-ups that have been stand-ups since day ONE. Your definitely a FUNNY dude and a LEGIT COMEDIAN, but the way you try to convince YOURSELF your a "STAND-UP COMEDIAN" You are turning yourself into "OUR GENERATIONS" PROP COMEDIAN CARROT-TOP

  2. Joe Rogan shot on Steve os butt wipes for your butt hole. Rogan was toys annoyed that Steve o was making the podcast about his agenda. I've come to realize the majority of Steve os podcast is 50% commercial for something he's hawking.

  3. Steven Gilchrist Glover, I'd like to give thanks to your beautiful woman. It seems she's doing an amazing job taking care of you! God luv it!!! So proud of it hard work. Keep on keeping on!

  4. LET ME SHOW YOU SOMETHING Tired of the elementary humor? Nothing but ads. Just begging for every dollar to maintain his lifestyle. Says we all need to quit doing things like sugar, weed, alcohol. When are you gonna grow up and realize you just have no self control. We are not all like you. Your are your own unique brand of fucked up spoon fed tool. You can't hide it no matter how how you try. Keep living in your imagination thinking people respect your child like behavior and inability to have self control with you lovely bag of merch like nobody notices how dumb you come off.

  5. the tea cup thing isnt funny. He gave an ass load of cash to actual nazis. What do you think nazis will do with a large influx of clean cash? This will be a contribution to the destabilization of the usa.

  6. 20 min in and I am so pumped about Stevo’s conversation/listening skills in this one. Previously it just seemed to be a lot of interrupting or too excited to advance to what he had to say next, sometimes shutting out any substance from his cohost. I absolutely ADORE him but couldn’t enjoy anymore after this habit. This was amazing!

  7. I love when celebrities move, but don't talk shit about California/LA. Always people have to move and be negative otherwise they aren't accepted. You don't have to have terrible experiences to move. You may just want a different life. All states and cities have their ups and downs. You can move somewhere and still appreciate where you came from.

  8. I love that steve o is laughing at healthy tom the whole episode lol guys like steve have been around Hollywood people enough this isn't the first time he's heard this exact conversation.

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