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What’s behind the rise & fall of No Doubt? Was it Gwen’s fault? I look at: No Doubt’s early years as a ska band, Gwen Stefani and Tony Kanal dating, their breakthrough with “Tragic Kingdom,” followup with “Rise Of Saturn,” Gwen Stefani’s solo career (“Hollaback Girl”, “Let Me Blow Ya Mind”), their “Rock Steady” album, hiatus and Gwen Stefani on “The Voice.” The rise and fall of No Doubt!
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0:00 Intro
2:37 The early years of No Doubt
8:52 Breakthrough with “Just A Girl” & “Don’t Speak”
12:48 “Rock Steady” & Gwen Stefani’s solo album
18:17 No Doubt’s influence & impact
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The Punk Rock MBA
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Don't Speak goes so hard. I was a young teenager when it blew up, you can imagine that I applied it to future relationships for years afterward.
Rock Steady is so good.
I loved them as a band. Gwen fell after.
Trapped in the box was the first one thst i heard Gia used to play it on request video on channel 56 in so cal bak in the day
I remember a rumor that the label was pushing Gwen as a solo artist and she insisted they do "Rocky Steady" so that the rest of the band could make sure they were financially in a good spot before she went solo. Probably bullshit, but it went with vibe she respected her bandmates. SIDENOTE: It was weird singing "I'm Just a Girl" as a young man in High School, but I got over it.
Shit. Calling No doubt rock is the analog of calling Michael Jackson metal.
Why didnt you mention the song Saw Red with Bradley Noel. That’s by far my favorite song with her.
cool hat!!!! where ?
Saw them back in '96/97, the tour was 311 headlining, No Doubt and Fishbone.
I ended up getting into a fight with a bunch of no doubt fans for calling Fishbone a bunch of "No doubt wanna be's"…..and I took that personally.
Gwen,with those Endless legs,and taught abs,was and is an iconic female front woman,she has Many influences,from Hard Punk Rock,Jamaican Dancehall,Ska,and Gwen Expressed a Love Of Prince,and even worked and performed with him,to me Gwen Still Rocks,To a certain extent No Doubt was a backing band to the Leggy Blonde with Model looks and charismatic talent..
God what I would give to do rails off 1996 Gwen's stomach
Good thing there was people like me who thought Nirvana sucked as much as Kurt Cobain did.
Her breasts definitely rised. Look at the younger One. To now
I just love that they couldn't have done anything more Orange County then, "Remain seated please, Permanecer sentados por favor." If you were from the O.C. you get it.
ND are such an iconic band. Love the music still
I learned about them through Guitar hero, "Spiderwebs"
Gwen Stefani is the David Lee Roth of 90s alternative. Great great band wrecked by her need to be center stage and dump the band. And Hollaback Girl is one of the worst big songs of all time. Tragic Kingdom was the end. Spiderwebs was such a great song, but that was it. A lesson for dudes about hiring an attractive female lead singer. Don't do it although Blondie had a loyal lead singer in Debbie Harry and they did far more good music.
It's absolutely brutal what Gwen Stefani turned into, by just making complete garbage pop music. That, "Ain't no holla back girl" song makes me want to throw up any time I'm unfortunate enough to hear it. I typically don't like nor agree with the term, "sell out" but if I had to call somebody a sell out, she'd be at the top of the list.
I remember No Doubt playing in Hawaii a long while ago, and it was during the time when Underneath It All was big. The song had a real island vibe so it caught on with a lot of locals, so it was hilarious seeing them playing this song and then playing their more ska-sounding or Tragic Kingdom sounds and see much of the crowd scratch their heads in confusion and bewilderment (except for Don't Speak). I had a great time lol
Yeah she has star power. Rest of those dorks wouldn't be millionaires without her.
You can definitely hear the influence of Madness in their early music.

Edit: Gwen is so adorable. There are some pics of her where she simply looks like an angel.
edit2: So sad an upbeat band had to go up against the early 90's "I hate life and want to kill myself bands." I guess it spoke to some people, but WAS NOT why I listened to music….
Edit3: Her bandmates were the typical members that got butthurt when they did not "get enough respect/recognition". It happens all the time when you have a "front man" like her. Bruh. She carried the band. There is "No Doubt" about it. Get over yourselves.
Edit4: Did you see what I did there?
Having played Death metal and was completely immersed in that scene (heavily influenced by DEATH, Morbid Angel, Carcass, Obituary, etc) at that time, one of my band mates picked up Tragic Kindom from some random record store and I'm not ashamed of saying, I LOVED IT!!! (To this day I can still hear a "death vocal" backing vocal to those tracks in my head
I am in the camp of it is he fault … I enjoyed the first three albums … four was okay
, five garbage
… fifth was more her, and band thrown scraps, then went solo … when I think Ska is The Mighty Mighty Bosstones …
Gwen became too "rap" in the 2000s era, that's what killed No Doubt.
The Tragic Kingdom album is by far the best album ND ever made. Every song is awesome. I saw them in concert back when the album came out and it was incredible. I think I listened to that album everyday for a year and knew all the words. I love ND!!
3:48 lol it's actually pretty damn catchy
any chance you make a video covering deftones? just in general or a specific relevant era (maybe the death of the bassist and the canned album)
So Gwen just dated whatever attractive, successful guy that she worked with whenever she found herself single? That's not some typical basic bitch shit, is it?
There is no doubt that No Doubt suck.
"Fall" lmfao Wish I could fall as hard as they did, right into a bed of greenbacks
This was good I enjoyed it but how do u talk about Gwen's early days and not talk about her and Bradly form Sublime
Sublime should have been mentioned somewhere since Gwen and Bradley Nowell did a fantastic song together called Saw Red and even dated at some point
Too bad she failed at face design. Her new face is horrific.
Man. i wanted to see this vid, but then he started scaming people with miracle hair loss cream. Tumbs down.
I never realy knew anything about their breakup, I just assumed that we (teenagers when they first hit the mainstream) mostly grew up. I remember vividly how excited I was hearing their first few charting songs when I was around fifteen but they made far less of an impact when I was closer to thirty other than "oh yeh, I recognise that voice that is on my radio while driving to work".
She sold out is why
Tony Kanal is a really solid bass player, check out his band DreamCar.
All i know from them is dont speak and i think that one has aged very bad
It’s pretty lame how rockstars just end up schilling for brands now and working in cringe reality tv. For me it actually changes the quality of the music, like it drains the authenticity out of it because you can pick up the artists desperation for attention and praise and it drowns out the other feelings in it.
I always disliked this band
i came for Gwen Stefanis abs
Sure it was… Its always the bitch, if you are honest…
I don't understand that supposedly mutually excluding approach between grunge and ska. I liked both "Nirvana" and "No Doubt". I'm sure tha tplaylists of many people contain all kinds of genres, we are no tjust in some single, particular genre. On my liked playlist there is almost anything from classics, jazz and blues to extreme metal, electronics and even some pop music.