@Ed Bolian’s original telling of this story 5 years ago: https://youtu.be/YOW13pE8RmA
Buying a used car? Have it inspected by the Lemon Squad – https://vinwiki.com/r/lemonsquad
Ed tells the story of what happened with his exotic car rental company the week of his wedding when his 2004 Lamborghini Gallardo was crashed & abandoned while his Ferrari 612 Scaglietti was stolen but a customer pretending to be an employee.
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#EdBolian #WeddingStories #ExoticCarRental
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Yes, I told this story on the channel 5 years ago but it remains the craziest week of car ridiculousness and stress I have experienced so I figured it was worth a retelling.
Good for you for opening up about that vulnerable time. Well played
One of the greatest stories on this channel! Glad everything worked out for you!
This is without question the most bizarre automotive story I've ever heard. I'm glad it had a somewhat happy ending. Your bride must be a very understanding and patient person, and you folks have a great life together!
Ahaha the conversation of so look if my phone rings I gotta handle this. Bro the side eye glance he got must of been legendary.
the time has come for an Ed and Doug collab
This is the reason why I subscribed, just to listen to Ed talk about his crazy life before becoming a youtuber.
Hey this is Lucky, I always wondered where you went! Comin to getcha! LOL j/k
Wait a minute….they police didn't arrest them for car theft? I'm just sitting here wondering why the police didn't do their jobs, or the DA didn't file charges, etc.
Ed has will power. Imagine meeting your robber at waffle house for lunch
“Warehouse living is the best if you ever get the chance” why wasn’t this the intro quote?
I saw the real gucci. Thats a like
Good thing you met a woman who came from money and fell in love with a guy with $10 in bank living in a garage. She seems like a great lady! She saw your potential.
The lawyer woman is just as much of a jerk as guy who stole the car, she need a bop in fac-e
I hope you are going to do a renewal of vows at some point.
Let's reflect on the fact this problematic drama causing customer was previously a law enforcement officer. Let that sink in.
That’s a crazy story glad it all worked out for you. Also personally fuck lucky’s ol punkass, respectfully.

Thank you for sharing.
How shocked is everyone that this was a former cop? Not in the slightest bit? Me neither.
That is one SERIOUSLY understanding woman. LOL
Although terrible you had to deal with that, awesome story!
This man is such a legend